February 28th, 2007 at 08:04 pm
I have been unwell for what seems like weeks; I'm surprised it's only 10 days. At least I have dropped some weight and am now down to 164 lb. Tho I don't recommend sickness as a way of slimming, I think I will set a new goal of 160. Then I will have lost 10% of weight.
Posted in
Weight Loss Challenge
February 19th, 2007 at 11:59 pm
Today New World had 2-minute noodles on sale at nz.20 per packet, normally nz.35. There is not much nutrition in them, so I tend to avoid them, but they are handy to have in the cupboard when you need a quick meal. I sprout my own mung beans and add an egg for a cheapie stir fry. So I bought 10 packs.
Broccoli was on special and I got some reduced price carrots, so will make a noodle-vege-cheese casserole tonite. I don't buy canned soup, but will use the flavor sachet with the noodles to make a sauce.
Posted in
Money Out,
February 16th, 2007 at 07:22 am
Tonight some friends had a potluck. All of us are on disability or work parttime. We had:
shaved ham
chocolate cake
sounds like a feast to me! We were talking about the old days (most of us 40-55) and recalling how our parents used to grow veggies, hunt and fish, bake goods, and make our own clothes. I have to say, I think a lot of the poverty we hear about in this country is because people have lost those skills.
I once met a Russian who had jumped ship in a NZ port. He only had a knife, but he made his way inland, and spent several months living off the land, before he got legal status and wound up being quite a successful landlord. He always said this was a wonderful land of opportunity and he didn't see what people had to complain about. Even without money, life here is so much better than in other parts of the world.
Posted in
February 15th, 2007 at 08:37 am
Sometimes there are emergencies which turn out to be not so urgent as it first seems. I had just got in and put my feet up,when I got a phone call from my mentally ill friend. She has not been cooperating on taking her medication, so the doctors have ordered a nurse to come round every 2 weeks and give her an injection. H asked if I could take a taxi to her place on the other side of town and be there when the nurse came.
I only had $5 on me and I knew H couldn't afford to pay for a taxi. Also, I thought it would do no harm to set some boundaries with her, as she can be very demanding, so I asked when the nurse was due. It turned out there was plenty of time for me to have my lunch and then catch a bus.
H was complaining about having people come in and invade her privacy, so I was blunt with her. I told her it was the cost of retaining her independence, and if she didn't cooperate, she might wind up living in supported housing with other psychiatric patients. She was a bit shocked, but seemed to take it in. She cooperated with the nurse. We spent the afternoon going thru her wardrobe, looking at how she could mix and match outfits in new ways. She decided maybe she didn't need to buy new clothes after all, and even gave me a nice purple top which didn't fit her.
Posted in
February 14th, 2007 at 07:50 pm
Not what you think! Went to do my grocery shopping today. I was looking for some curry powder. I found the branded packet was selling at nz$1.95 for 30 grams. The supermarket own brand was nz$0.85 for 40 grams. Quite a difference, and it shows why I seldom bother with coupons. The unbranded product is usually cheaper even without the discount.
On the topic of Indian cooking, I have taken to making chippatis instead of bread, as it is quicker and uses less power. I tend to make them with milk or peanut butter for added nutrition. If I have any leftovers such as dahl or yoghurt, I toss that in the dough as well.
This morning I made some carrot marmelade to go with my chippatis. Peel and chop one orange (the peel is traditionally finely chopped and added, but don't do this if you're concerned about insecticides) coarsely grate 2 carrots. Add a little water and half a cup sugar, and I like to add some ground ginger. Cook for 2 minutes at a time in the microwave, stirring between bursts and adding more water if it gets too stiff. The consistency should be that of jam. Keeps in the fridge.
Posted in
February 12th, 2007 at 07:45 pm
Jumped on the scale this morning and behold! I have lost another pound. Now down to 169. There is something very satisfying about getting below a number ending with a 0.
I have been carefully tracking my food intake on Text is fitday.com and Link is fitday.com and am about 1600 calories a day. Tracking your diet is like tracking your money - you soon become aware and start making better choices.
Posted in
Weight Loss Challenge
February 12th, 2007 at 08:26 am
Ran out of cash on Saturday except for the change jar. I was determined not to get some more from the bank, so have been entertaining myself by knitting, gardening, and looking for recipes to use what was in the pantry. You know what, I haven't missed going round the shops at all, and am feeling quite proud of myself. Makes me wonder how often I have bought something just becuase the money was in my pocket. I reckon I could go for quite a long time paying for just food, keeping a roof over my head, essential transport and medical expenses. I have no desire to rush out and see the latest movie, or even hire a DVD - I am quite content to wait until it shows on TV. I will admit I am fortunate to live in a college town, as I can get to attend free open lectures on various subjects, and concerts performed by music students. Mostly tho, I just enjoy sitting round chatting with friends at potlucks. Seems like so few people have time to do that anymore - all working flat out to pay for their toys and restaurant meals.
My designated day for withdrawing weekly cash is WEdnesday, so will see if I can last till then. Tonight I made cauliflower in peanut sauce.
Posted in
Not Spending
February 11th, 2007 at 08:12 am
This year I am going to be saving money by making gifts instead of buying them. I'm trying to use what I have rather than getting more supplies. I saw one idea in a magazine which was amulet pouches. an amulet is a lucky charm that you carry on you. So I thought I would make little bags to put round people's necks, and inside put a foreign coin from my collection. Then I tell people it will make them lucky! Maybe I could even make them to sell at craft fairs.
The other thing I noticed was some of the Pacific Island women use strips of plastic supermarket bags to weave and crochet summer hats. So I'm thinking of using that idea and knitting shoulder bags.
Posted in
Not Spending
February 8th, 2007 at 07:16 pm
After THREE no spend days on the trot, today I visited my fave thrift store. Just to see what there was.... bad idea. I'm always sure to see something I want. Today I got a big bag of yarn for $5. Now I didn't strictly speaking need it, as I already have 22 potential projects sitting in my glory box. As it is mostly acrylic I will probably use it for charity knitting. And if it gets really cold, I will sleep in the glory box, with all my yarn snuggled round me.
Posted in
Money Out
February 4th, 2007 at 06:36 pm
...this morning and discovered I had lost a whole THREE pounds! Yay for me! They say the first few lbs loss is generally water, but I feel good about myself anyway.
Posted in
Weight Loss Challenge
February 4th, 2007 at 08:35 am
I grew up in the stone fruit growing district, and much of my high school vacations were spent picking apricots, cherries, peaches, plums, and nectarines. As a result I am spoilt for life. When you have tasted ripe, sweet, juicy fruit straight from the tree, warmed by the sun, you lose all interest in the underipe, chilly, bland things you get in supermarkets. And they are expensive. Cherries cost $13nz for a kilo. So usually I only eat them when I visit my hometown.
But today I had to provide something for a potluck. I noticed that some entrepreneurial types had brought down a lot of freshly picked cherries, and were selling them on a street stall. I tried one and they were delicious. So I bought a bag for $5nz. My friends were delighted.
Posted in
Money Out,
February 3rd, 2007 at 02:05 am
Today our town had its annual market day, known as Thieves' Alley. It is a fun occasion with street entertainers, ethnic food, handcraft, second hand and bake stalls. The crowds were too busy for me to get thru, so I looked round the edges. I was a bit disappointed as they seemed to be mostly cheap imported clothing and jewellry. I did see some native plant seedlings for $2 each, but decided I would plant my veggie garden first. There were also some used book stalls, but I kept telling myself they were only after my money, and it was better in my pocket than theirs. I watched a display of belly dancing. Then I found a total of 70 cents on the ground, so decided I would take it home.
Posted in
Money In,
Not Spending
February 2nd, 2007 at 08:13 am
It has been a long and difficult time today. My friend H who had a breakdown at the end of last year rang and asked me to meet her in town. She told me she is going bankrupt. The only money she has was a check from a non-profit and she wanted me to help me work out what to do with it. It turned out she could afford $20 on groceries for the week, so I went shopping with her. First I had to stop her diving into several clothes shops on the way; then she said she "needed" incense, but I was able to persuade her she should get food first.
H is not only irrational, but has an eating disorder. It was like shopping with a difficult toddler. I was trying to steer her to the fresh produce and the bulk bins of beans and grains, and she kept heading for the brightly packaged convenience foods. Every time she saw something she liked she wanted to put it in the basket, so I would demonstrate how much we had already spent on the calculator, and we had to decide what she should take out. When I tried to point out the store brands were cheaper, she replied, "I have expensive tastes." I remembered what a beautiful person she was and that she is now unwell, or I would have lost patience.
In the end we got
2 cans of gourmet coffee
a HUGE block of cheese
canned tomato soup
pumpkin seeds (for the same price as a whole pumpkin)
dried figs
frozen oven fries
I could not live on that, but she was very happy with it. When we got to the exit she announced she was tired and wanted to take a taxi home. I was tired too, so let her have her own way.
As she was pulling out her cell phone, she suddenly stopped, looked at me and said, "If I catch the bus instead I'll save money, won't I?" She caught the bus, and as she was leaving told me that she was going to put the $10 she'd saved aside in case she needed it later.
I can remember what it was like when I was trying to get started taking control of my finances. There seemed so much advice it was all overwhelming. I had to get started by taking baby steps, and I hope that is what H is now starting to do as well.
Posted in
February 1st, 2007 at 08:37 pm
This is a free budget program I downloaded at the end of last year. Today I came up against an annoying feature. I personalised my categories on the setup page at the beginnign of the year, BUT it has not carried them through to this month's page. It reverted to the default categories. I don't know if this is a design fault or due to my ancient computer systme.
The other complaint I have against it is that you are allowed only 10 categories. Other than that it does a fairly good job of tracking - I like it better than Microsoft Money. So I will stcik with it for the rest of this year while I keep looking for a different program.
Posted in
February 1st, 2007 at 07:11 pm
Someone mentioned on the weight loss thread the Basal Metabolic Rate. I worked mine out here
Text is
and Link is
You are supposed to eat 500 calories per day less in order to lose a pound a week. So I should be eating 1650 calories - probably less as my medication slows my metabolism.
So I need a way of tracking the calories I eat. I use this website
Text is
and Link is
which not only tells the calories I eat in foods, but gives reports on whether I met my daily nutritional requirements.
Counting calories is like keeping track of your money; you quickly see where the waste is and where you can cut back.
Posted in
Weight Loss Challenge
January 31st, 2007 at 08:14 pm
This morning I went to the knit group which I was not able to do while working. For me it is a bit like walking into the lion's den, as it meets in our LYS (local yarn store). I am surrounded by lovely wool but so far have resisted the temptation to buy until I have used up my stash. They were all very pleased to see me. In my next job I think I will tell the employer I need to go to knitting therapy that morning because of my disability!
Last month the store had a window display of some of the work we had produced, and I had a grey lace shawl. The store owner told me a lot of people had admired it and asked for the pattern. It came out of a book I bought for $2 in a thrift store, so she suggested I photocopy it and sell it for 50 cents a sheet. I had to tell her that breaks the copyright law, but gave her the name of the book. I have seen it available second hand on the Net.
I finished off a pair of black fingerless gloves, and think I will use a few colored scraps to Swiss darn a motif on them.
Posted in
Not Spending
January 31st, 2007 at 05:24 am
As the motivational speakers keep telling us, it's all about spotting an opportunity in the market.
Text is http://www.bebabean.com/products/pptp.aspx and Link is http://www.bebabean.com/products/pptp.aspx
I got wet a few times when ds made like a fountain, before I got the knack of strategically placing a cloth. If I'd been an entrepreneur I could have thought of this. Maybe there is a chance for me to knit custom orders? You skinflints who make your own from scraps are ruining creative business ideas.
Have to admit they are hilarious tho. I'd be tempted to order if I had a new grandson.
Oh- I just spotted a new opportunity. Once these catch on, I'll create a line of cards for new dads to send to grandma: "Mom, I'm sorry I peed on you."
Posted in
Not Spending
January 31st, 2007 at 02:27 am
I have taken up on the Weight Loss Challenge and intend to lose 10 lbs. Actually, I want to lose a dress size, so I have a greater range of clothes to choose from at the thrift stores. I don't mind being 5' 10", but I don't want to be a "big, sturdy lass". Neither do I want to look like a beanpole model, as I don't think it's healthy. Somewhere in between with a few nice curves is where I'd like to fit.
While thumbing through a recipe book, I came across this quote by Liz Hurley. When asked how she kept her figure, she replied, "You just have to want to be slim more than you want that piece of cheesecake or chocolate." Basically it's about keeping your goals in mind, and weighing the consequences of each decision. This is equally true for dieting and saving money.
I'm not in favour in very low calorie diets as they're like too tight budgets. They trigger relapses. You can no more cut out all treat foods than you can deny yourself every desire in order to save money. Extreme crash diets are unhealthy, like neglecting house repairs in order to save money. The best way is to simply cut out the waste in both eating habits and money. And be prepared for it to take time. You didn't get overweight or into debt overnight, so it will take a while to come right.
So my plan is to cut down on fats and sugars, by eliminating cakes, cookies and candy, and fried foods. This doesn't mean I can't have a spoonful of sugar on my oatmeal, or saute mushrooms in a little butter, but the emphasis is to be on grains, beans, fruit and veg, and low fat dairy. As it happens, these are the healthiest foods, and relatively cheap.
Posted in
Weight Loss Challenge
January 31st, 2007 at 12:41 am
This is Talk Up Toastmasters. Last night I went to my Club after the holiday break and had a great time. We had 2 prepared speeches: one guy told us about the life of George Westinghouse, and the other talked about fishing. I wasn't keen on the latter as I'm vegetarian, but he was enthusiastic, and very funny too. One thing that really cracked us up was his telling us how he bought a boat, but with the little amount he's been able to do, he reckons each fish cost him $1000! Then we had Table Topics, and I was called on to say what I'd done in the holidays - in Africa! So I made up a yarn about climbing Mt Kilimanjaro and collecting snow so the Africans would be able to have freezers.
Toastmasters is not only educational and informative, it is also heaps of fun, and develops great communication and leadership skills. You gain great confidence by being able to stand up in front of an audience and speak your piece. If anyone needs to do presentations for work or study,you get plenty of friendly, useful feedback. If you have a fear of public speaking and would like to overcome it, there is no better place (and cheaper)to learn than Toastmasters. Check out the website
Text is
and Link is
to learn more.
Reminds me subs are due in March. $nz80 (around $50 US) for 6 months. Our President tells me his firm once sent him on a communication seminar, $900 for the weekend, and at the end, the presenter advised them all to join Toastmasters! He reckons he has learned far more for much less money.
Posted in
January 30th, 2007 at 08:56 am
My third post of the day, but I had to comment on this. John Key, the new leader of the National (conservative) Party, has just made a speech in which he declares his party will make people on welfare work for their dole. He says he doesn't intend to dismantle the welfare system, but it is being interpreted as a "get tough on the bludgers" speech.
My reaction? If they're creating schemes to help unemployed, disabled, single moms etc back into work, great, I'm all for it. But if there's work out there, shouldn't people be paid at least the minimum wage for it? Most beneficiaries I know want real work for real wages, not time filling schemes for a pittance. Yes, it should be more worthwhile to work than be on welfare, but why is the answer always cut the benefit? Does anyone ever ask why people who work 40 hours a week are still unable to properly feed and house their families? Could it be that wages are too low? We have had the Employers Federation recently declaring that an increase in the minimum wage will put more people out of work, but it seems they're also not prepared to pay more taxes to help the unemployed. The National Party wants to cut the higher tax brackets; if they're really interested in helping the working poor, why don't they cut the lower ones? Mr Key makes a big play of the fact he was brought up by a single mom in a State House, and now is wealthy. I'm afraid he strikes me as one of those selfmade men who despise other poor people and is ungrateful for the help he recieved along the way. He seems to think his childhood would have been a bowl of cherries if his mom had been forced to work. As the child of a workaholic single father, I can assure him it wouldn't. Is his party going to help all these newly working parents by providing affordable, quality childcare?
It seems to me he is just having a go at the same old easy target, and proposing simplistic solutions to very complex problems. He also went on about that other old whipping horse of politicians: crime. No parole for violent criminals. Well, all I can comment is: at least they won't be on welfare will they? They'll be enjoying 3 square meals a day and it'll cost the country umpteen times as much to keep them locked up.
Posted in
January 29th, 2007 at 11:10 pm
I usually shop at the New World nearest my place because I can get reduced to clear fruit and veges cheaper, but when I'm in town I pick up the specials at Countdown, especially canned goods. i spent some time this mornign checking their prices. They have some good deals, but I did notice 2 small packets of milk powder were cheaper than one big one, and their so called special deal on popping corn was more per unit than from the bulk bins. OTOH, their bulk bin of red lentils was more per unit than I pay for a bag at my home supermarket. So it pays to take a calculator. I am working up a price book, but they keep changing the deals round.
When I was going home past the new Domino's Pizza, I found $1.10nz! Maybe I could try living on the money I find in the street! THAt would make my blog famous! I am convinced there is a Power in the Universe that wishes us well, if only we would become aware of it. But the secret is to be willing to share with each other, instead of clutching tight and saying mine, mine, and being envious that others have what we haven't.
For lunch I am having a pb and banana sandwich, and a dish I just cobbled together from half a dozen cookbooks. Toss chopped green pepper, red cabbage, and grated carrot in a little heated oil. Add a dash of vinegar, a spoonful of brown sugar and a generous shake of chili flakes. Clap lid on and leave to simmer until barely tender.
Posted in
Money In,
January 29th, 2007 at 07:52 pm
It's not quite the end of the month but I don't think there'l be any more financial transactions.. I downloaded pearbudget at the beginning of the year and these are the results of January spending:
Variable $228.28 (budgeted $240)
Regular $373.78 (budgeted $381)
Irregular $235.00 (budgeted $125.)
Total expenses $842.06. I had $819.06 saved from last month, so only had to dip into savings a little -that pesky wasps' nest! I have recieved the money for my last job, $837.21, to live on for this month. Work and Income will not renew my disability allowance, so I will be getting unemployment of $168.62 per week after that. Hope to get another job before then.
So I decided to only take out $30 a week cash and use that for groceries and toiletries. Everything else can wait. I don't think I will get as bad as that guy who decided to live of $30 a month, but it will be a challenge to see how frugal I can be while still eating healthy. This morning I checked my pantry and saw I had some coconut cream and some cardomom, so made a stovetop rice pudding for breakfast.
Posted in
January 28th, 2007 at 05:57 am
It has been a strange summer weatherwise. You never know in the morning how the day will turn out. One day it is stinking hot, the next chilly and damp enough to think about turning the heaters on. We have even had icebergs off the coast for the first time in over 60 years. Today was a drizzly day, so I didn't go out: sat at home and started knitting a shawl with a cone of wool I bought a while ago at the thrift store for a $1. So another no spend day. I can't think of anything I need offhand, so will try not to spend any more money this month. Better stay out of the thrift stores!
To warm myself up I made orange soup: Gently cook 1/2 cup rice and some cumin seeds in oil until the rice turns white. Add 1 pint water, 1/2 cup orange lentils, a handful of chopped dried apricots, and celery salt to taste..Cook for 20 mins. Cool slightly and puree in blender.
Posted in
Not Spending
January 27th, 2007 at 09:48 am
A warm breezy day so I hung the laundry on the line to dry. I called on a friend and we went for a drive to the harbour. We sat and watched the windsurfers and ate the peanut butter and banana sammies we'd brought. It was so peaceful and I was thinking of all the millions in the world who would love to change places with me. Of course there are all the people in starving wartorn countries, to whom it would seem a millionaires life: but also there are high earners driven by a desire to make millions so then they can afford to retire and live a laidback life in a lovely place like this . When I first came back from India I got very annoyed with people who are always complaining about how hard up they are. Don't they realise that in the game of life, they already won the lottery? But I guess when they don't know how to be grateful for what they already have, they'll always be wanting more and never have enough.
Posted in
Thinking about Money,
Not Spending
January 26th, 2007 at 07:44 am
When I went grocery shopping this morning the supermarket had a sign saying they were looking for produce assistants. I like my veggies so filled in an application form. When I got home I spent some time job searching on the net, and found our local museum is looking for a data entry person for 6 months. Pay is not very high but sounds like an interesting job, and it is close enough for me to walk to work. If I get it I would be able to save $100 a week.
Posted in
January 25th, 2007 at 06:58 am
I did well today:
2 pairs knitting needles, one 2mm, the other 2.25mm. Now I can knit up the lace weight in my stash.
Knitting pattern book. Now I can knit up etc etc.
Book of crossstitch sampler patterns.
all these cost 50 cents each. Hours and hours of entertainment, plus pretty clothing and decorations for my home, for only $2nz. Beats going to the movies any day.
Posted in
Money Out
January 19th, 2007 at 08:37 pm
Today I was on my way to work. First I noticed the Sally Army was having a bag sale, so stopped to take a look. I didn't buy any clothes, but I got a book on traditional quilt making for a $1.
Carrying on, I saw the local radio station was having a promo and giving away freebies. I got a couple of sachets hair dye, which I gave to a blonde friend: some Nicorette gum, to give to a friend who's trying to give up smoking; and some Hilary Duff scent. Smells quite nice.
Then today was my last day at this job, so thought I would buy myself a little celebration lunch in town. I asked for a pizza slice, and the counter asstant said as they were rather old, she would give me two for the price of one. So I had 2 slices of pizza and a cup of tea for $3nz.
My friends often comment that I am a lucky person. Seems that way.
Posted in
Money Out
January 12th, 2007 at 08:32 pm
Not, in this case, the financial kind. The cushions on my sofa are getting really worn and shabby, so I decided it was time to make some new ones. I've been keeping an eye out round the thrift stores and snapping up odds and ends of material. They won't match, but it seems every time I look at a Homes and Gardens time mag at the library, the posh homes have a variety of cushions. The old inners are still in good condition, so all I needed was thread and velcro fasteners. I went to Spotlight today. OOOH so many lovely things - wouldn't a duvet cover be nice! Just look at those floor rugs! And - gasp! - the most beautiful dark red Cleckheaton 8 ply, just begging to be made into a sweater, all for me. I could get it for only $50...
I put my head down, got exactly what I intended to come in for, paid for it (ignoring the blandishments of the sales assistant to get their store card) and exited. So I will make my cushion covers this weekend with my financial cushion intact. HA. Will power!
Posted in
Not Spending
January 11th, 2007 at 05:42 am
Last month a friend gave me a cutting from her jade plant, which some people call a money plant. It has been sitting in an eggcup of water on my kitchen window sill, and has now grown a nice little root. So this morning I potted it in an old container by my front door. My friend tells me this is a good place to put it so it will bring prosperity to my house, according to Feng Shui principles. Here's hoping it works
Posted in
January 9th, 2007 at 08:03 am
I had $30 from my change jar as my start to the $20 Challenge. I was taking it to deposit it and I saw the Women's refuge was having a street appeal. So what did I do? I promptly gave them all my money, and I don't regret it. I am grateful for all the blessings I have, but for some poor women life is hardly worth living. I hope it will be used to improve things for some poor soul.
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Money Out