January 9th, 2008 at 07:41 am
ds sent me a cute decoration for the Christmas tree, made of gold material in the shape of an elephant. My friend who's into Feng Shui has declared it to be a symbol of prosperity and came over with her books to figure out the best place to hang it to enhance my wealth. By the wood stove, apparently. Um, I think it might covered with ash.
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January 8th, 2008 at 04:52 am
The radio here is already celebrating Elvis' birthday, so I get to eat peanut butter and banana sandwiches in his honor. Not fried, tho, I don't want to wind up a blimp.
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January 5th, 2008 at 06:01 am
I got a prescription filled nz7.82. Apart from that I stayed home and knitted. so long as I'm doing that I'm not out spending money.
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Money Out
January 4th, 2008 at 06:57 am
I thought I was doing well with the new shawl but I goofed majorly and had to unravel the whole thing. Start again. But the patience I have to exercise is a transferrable skill, especially when it comes to making my money grow.
For both knitting and handling your money you require a pattern, or plan. A few creative geniuses can just start and keep it all straight in their head, but most of us require a vision of what we want to achieve, and the details of how to do it - Written Down!!
Your pattern or plan must match your current skills. Don't expect to do a complex Aran if you're a new knitter, and don't invest in complex tax shelters if you haven't mastered basic budgeting.
It's important to get good advice from experienced people in the craft. This is easy with online communities today.
Be prepared to take time. Knitting is one stitch after another, saving money is one dollar after another. It's better to do a little towards your goal every day than to do a whole load of things one day, then ignore it for weeks on end.
You need the right tools and material for the job. These are simple, but gaining proficiency requires constant practice. You will make mistakes along the way, so be prepared to go back and fix the major botch ups, but don't sweat every little glitch. So long as you stick to your plan you'll be okay.
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Thinking about Money
January 3rd, 2008 at 05:56 am
I went out briefly to the shop to buy some milk, nz3.20. I put on a jacket I hadn't worn for some time and was pleasantly surprised to find 1.20 in the pocket. Aside from that I was lazing around eating bananas on toast and surfing the net. I found this free pattern
Text is http://cdevine.typepad.com/photos/lace_work/rosetrellisl.html and Link is
so dug out some vintage pink laceweight I found at the opportunity shop for nz6.00 and bravely cast on. So far so good. I hope to have a beautiful shawl in time to wear to England.
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Money Out
January 2nd, 2008 at 07:56 pm
Didn't blog yesterday because I was late back. It was raining in the morning and I had some wet washing, but I didnt use the dryer - I put it all on the clothes horse, then lit the fire, using wood chopped from my trees, and also cooked lunch on top of the stove.
Im the evening I went to a barbecue, having made quiche and beetroot salad. After eating we watched Jailhouse Rock. Elvis plays a character who wants money above all else, but learns the hard way that love is more important. I have to go out more now that I live alone, but I'm keeping the entertainment down to such simple things, rather than big screen movies and restaurants.
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Not Spending