September 28th, 2010 at 06:34 am
Today was a nice warm day so I walked into town. On the way I found a whole FIVE DOLLARS!!! I rushed to the bank straight way and deposited it in my house account which I'm saving to redo my kitchen. It will pay for five minutes of the carpenter's time. Now if only I could find five thousand dollars...
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Money In
September 27th, 2010 at 07:24 am
In the past at this time of year I have gone into whirling dervish decluttering mode, tossing out piles of stuff - only to wind up regretting some discards and buyign tons more junk to refill my empty shelves.
So this time I'm taking it slowly and making absolutely sure I don't want something before I get rid of it. I tidied my shoes and gave two nice but never were comfortable pairs to charity - hope they fit someone better than me. I sorted my cookbooks and gave some I never use to the annual booksale. And went through a big pile of papers and binned some that were no longer relevant. Now I'm relaxing with a cup of tea and surveying the rest of my possessions. I quite like the clothes I have and they're in good condition. So I'll hang onto them and only replace when they're worn. I've done quite well over the last few months at not buying stuff (three months without buying yarn!) so resolved to be satisfied with what I have, and only allow anything new into the house if I get rid of something old. This is a small house, so I really can't have tons of stuff in my closets. I will go for minimalism and much savings.
Of course, there's still ds's room with all his gear, waiting for him to come back and take it away...
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Not Spending
September 25th, 2010 at 09:51 pm
Iwent out to dinner with some friends last nite - all you can eat for nz$17. After we'd stuffed ourselves with mains, one guy wanted to go out for a smoke. So I said if he quit tobacco I'd quit sugar - so no dessert for me!!! He didn't think that was a big enough sacrifice and asked if I'd give up coffee. Hmm, the difficult I am willing to try, but the impossible... we will see. After I've been a month without sugar and he keeps up the nonsmoking, I will find another smoking friend and trade giving up coffee.
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September 24th, 2010 at 07:44 am
I made my annual trip to the movies last night. I saw Wall Street; money never sleeps. A good movie, but my gosh I am getting old. All I could think was that Michael Douglas looks incredibly like Kirk, and most of the younger actors I'd never heard of.
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September 13th, 2010 at 09:13 am
I am invited to a Mad Hatter's Tea Party next month, so am making this hat from my stash
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I am too tightfisted to buy the eyes so will embroider some on.
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Not Spending
September 10th, 2010 at 07:32 am
There are notices in the supermarkets saying because of the earthquake affecting the distribution center in christchurch, there may be shortages of some items. The only thing I noticed a bit low was some brands of canned fish. No sign of people stockpiling or panic buying so far. I have my little store of crackers and beans.
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September 7th, 2010 at 04:31 am
Ugh, spring. With erratic earthquakes, howling high winds and dismal downpours - who needs it? It can go back where it came from. I stayed at home and read something absolutely fascinating - my bank statement. Last month I earned nz$1.02 on my FI account. Goody goody, now I can afford a new toothbrush every month without depleting my net worth.
Also I have $9.50 in change to put in the House a/c. And the mailbox just yeilded up an invitation to attend a seminar on Forex speculation - oops, investing. Free drinks and nibbles. Ah, the joys of being a capitalist and a landowner.
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Money In