Home > Hello again

Hello again

February 28th, 2007 at 08:04 pm

I have been unwell for what seems like weeks; I'm surprised it's only 10 days. At least I have dropped some weight and am now down to 164 lb. Tho I don't recommend sickness as a way of slimming, I think I will set a new goal of 160. Then I will have lost 10% of weight.

3 Responses to “Hello again”

  1. Bookie Says:

    Congratulations! You win the Silver Lining Award for February. Identifying weight loss as a positive side effect of being unwell qualified you.

    Sorry you've been under the weather. Good luck with the goal, and remember to eat to get better.


  2. JanH Says:

    Hope you feel better soon!

  3. Terri Says:

    Hi Tina,

    I have been so much enjoying your blog and appreciating your warmth and forthrightness. I was beginning to get worried about you, and am glad you are on the mend.

    As I write this post, I am enjoying a ramen noodle stirfry dish inspired by your creativity!

    Hugs from the U.S.,

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