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Archive for December, 2018
December 31st, 2018 at 08:55 am
New Year's Eve and I have one resolution, which is to not drink caffeine (on my 5th day) and one financial goal, which is to reach nzd10,000 in my EF. But we'll see about plans for 2019 after I get back. India has a wonderful way of putting things into perspective.
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$20 Challenge,
December 30th, 2018 at 08:27 am
Another very hot and muggy day. We are not used to such weather here and few houses have air conditioning. It was warmer inside my house than out. Thank goodness it is winter where I'm going so the temperatures will be moderate.
I have lost my appetite with the heat so I'm saving on food!
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$20 Challenge
December 29th, 2018 at 08:09 am
I went over my $20 food budget for the first time. I have no money left in my envelope and I spent nzd9.07 from my check account on groceries.
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Money Out,
$20 Challenge
December 28th, 2018 at 08:11 am
Yay! my visa has finally arrived. Off to India in the New Year.
My sister visited and regifted some of her unwanted Christmas presents to me: a scented candle and a bucket of salted caramel cookies. I don't want them either, so now I must find someone else to regift them too.
What is everyone else regifting from the holidays?
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$20 Challenge,
December 27th, 2018 at 08:10 am
I got given some tea as a present but I'm going caffeine free (again!) so donated it to the food pantry.
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$20 Challenge
December 26th, 2018 at 08:14 am
I am knitting a multicolored prayer shawl out of scraps. It is very satisfying to use the last meter of a skein, then snip off the final 2 inches and drop them in the trash.
(yes I know I could use the mini bits for stuffing toys but I don't do softies)
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$20 Challenge
December 25th, 2018 at 08:43 am
Merry Christmas to all those who work retail. After the pre holiday rush and before the January sales, may you have a stress free celebration surrounded by nice people. Worked retail for years myself and always enjoy a quiet day with no fuss and not too many people.
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$20 Challenge
December 24th, 2018 at 08:09 am
It's a Christmas miracle! I went to buy fresh veggies for tomorrow and the price hadn't shot way up, 1.99 for a lettuce, 2.99 per kilo for tomatoes and 2.49 for 3 avocadoes.
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Money Out,
$20 Challenge,
December 23rd, 2018 at 08:06 am
I planned a quiet Christmas at home with DS, but today we got a last minute invite from a church couple. Now I don't have to cook on the 25th.
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$20 Challenge
December 22nd, 2018 at 08:35 am
Because next Wed is a public holiday, my benefit has been paid already. But I'm not planning to withdraw any money until next week. The payment due on Jan 2 will also be paid early. So technically I have 5 paydays this month, but I'm budgeting for 5 paydays next month.
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Money In,
$20 Challenge,
December 21st, 2018 at 08:11 am
I could have sworn I paid the plumber's bill online last month but apparently not. I received a friendly reminder and can't find the transaction on my bank statement, so nzd67.28 out of my House maintenance account.
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Money Out,
$20 Challenge
December 20th, 2018 at 08:13 am
I don't often buy substitute meats as they are so expensive, but with Christmas coming up I shelled out nzd6.99 for some vegetarian sausages. With steamed cauli and carrots and fried potatoes, that will be my Christmas meal.
The feasting has already started, I went to a barbecue for lunch. My rule with the goodies is only one of each, so I had a small piece of cake, some tropical trail mix and lots of bread rolls and coleslaw. With cutting back on sugar this year I really noticed the sweetness in the salad dressing. Even the grapes were almost too sweet. So I won't be having dessert on Dec 25. I shall have crackers and hummus instead.
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Money Out,
$20 Challenge,
December 19th, 2018 at 08:07 am
I am still having problems getting my visa. I was sent a request to fill out yet another form and pay a further nzd160.00. I still don't know if I'll get it before New Year, if it doesn't arrive before then I will have to cancel the trip. I keep repeating the Serenity Prayer to myself, which is useful when dealing with all things Indian.
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Money Out,
$20 Challenge,
December 18th, 2018 at 08:19 am
I forgot to take a reusable bag to the supermarket today, so had to get a plastic one. They are doing away with single use bags from January 1, so I must remember in future or I will have to buy another one.
peanut butter 1.99
bread 1.00
broccoli .99
cauliflower .99
lettuce 1.99
mushrooms 2.37
avocadoes 2.49
tomatoes 1.35
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Money Out,
$20 Challenge
December 17th, 2018 at 08:25 am
I received my lastest power bill from Contact, which says I have a credit of nzd66.24, so nothing to pay this month. Not sure where that came from but I'll take it.
I bought some thermal underwear from Orphans Aid for nz5.00. Still in the packet! Never been worn! It pays to look for these things in the off season.
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Money Out,
$20 Challenge,
Not Spending
December 16th, 2018 at 08:07 am
This afternoon I went to a Christmas party but there was only popcorn I could eat. Came home and ate nonstop tomato sandwiches.
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$20 Challenge,
December 15th, 2018 at 08:13 am
Hot and muggy today and I don't feel like cooking, so have been eating lettuce and marmite sandwiches.
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$20 Challenge,
December 14th, 2018 at 08:17 am
I have used up all the colored double knitting yarn in my stash. I have a load in neutral shades but it requires something to jazz it up a bit, so I bought a bag of green oddments in the thrift store for 50 cents.
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Money Out,
$20 Challenge
December 13th, 2018 at 08:24 am
I walked into town today and when I got there realised I'd forgotten my wallet with all my money and my bus card. So I had to walk back home in a fine Scottish mist. At least I stayed out of the thrift store since there was no point looking without any money. So frustrating to see a bargain and not be able to buy.
I booked my bus to Christchurch Airport, nzd44.00. Counting sleeps until the day of departure.
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Money Out,
$20 Challenge,
December 12th, 2018 at 08:15 am
Another payday, another nzd289.15, split up in the usual way:
Kiwisaver 20.00
bill paying account 110.00
food 20.00 - spent 11.80
misc 20.00
home maintenance account 20.00
seems to working all right. I think I will keep going until I have fully funded the EF. I thibk I can get it up to $10,000 by the end of next year, barring no unforeseen big expenses.
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Money In,
$20 Challenge,
December 11th, 2018 at 08:18 am
I spent the morning putting the finishing touches to 33 little baby hats, using the last of my fingering wool. I have knitted over 200 this year. They are coming with me to the Mount Abu Hospital to be distributed to newborns (it is winter in Rajasthan and the temperature drops to zero at night).
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$20 Challenge,
December 10th, 2018 at 08:08 am
I finally manged to negotiate the High Commission of India's website and complete my visa application. Cost nzd225. Now I am having cold sweats in case it is rejected and I can't go on the trip. To thumb my nose at the bogeyman I had lunch at the Indian Spice restaurant. Bombay aloo mmmmm
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Money Out,
$20 Challenge,
December 9th, 2018 at 08:11 am
I have nzd5.00 burning a hole in my cash envelope. I want to buy myself a treat - chocolate, ice cream, cookies. I am resisting and hanging on in case I need to buy some more bread or potatoes or tomatoes, something healthy.
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$20 Challenge,
Not Spending
December 8th, 2018 at 08:18 am
I caved to the cravings and bought coffee. I have had 3 cups already and am buzzing.
My younger sister is coming from Ireland for Christma/New Year. I hope she isn't planning to visit while I'm in India.
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$20 Challenge,
December 7th, 2018 at 08:09 am
Forgot to blog yesterday but nothing much happened. Today I bought:
can tomatoes .79
2 cans peaches 1.98
lettuce 1.99
potatoes 1.14
cucumber 1.49
avocado 1.79
broccoli .99
peppers 5.99
bread 1.00
bananas 2.99
tomatoes 1.99
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Money Out,
$20 Challenge,
December 5th, 2018 at 08:11 am
Today was the Artsenta Market Day, but the weather was bad and not many came. I only made nzd30, but that's better than a kick in the pants. I talked to one artist who's setting up a shop for all things fiber related. She wants to sell my lace scarves and as the commission is only 25% I guess I will put in a few and see how they go.
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Money In,
$20 Challenge
December 4th, 2018 at 08:16 am
Pouring with rain today so I stayed home and ate far too much avocado on toast. In the afternoon it eased off a bit so I dodged over to New World and stocked up on canned and dried legumes because they are a cheap source of protein and I like 'em. nzd10.74.
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Money Out,
$20 Challenge,
December 3rd, 2018 at 08:11 am
Bought travel insurance, nzd175. Rang Work & Income to let them know when I'm out of the country. They said because I'm away for less than 4 weeks, my benefit will still be paid. Nice! I should come back to a nice heap o' change in my checking.
bread 1.00
strawberries 1.99
bananas 2.99
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Money Out,
$20 Challenge,
December 2nd, 2018 at 08:19 am
DS keeps asking me to buy a larger fridge. I have a little bar fridge that holds all my veges plus soy milk and a few condiments for one person nicely, but now that DS is putting all his milk and dairy in there we need more chill space. A little freezer would be good too so I can stock a few frozen veges. The smallest one is about nzd500. We shall see. It depends how much longer he's staying with me.
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$20 Challenge
December 1st, 2018 at 08:10 am
I am disappointed with the lettuce. It is withering really fast. I am eating salad twice a day.
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$20 Challenge,