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Archive for October, 2009


October 27th, 2009 at 05:43 am

I really don't think nz$5 is all that expensive for a knitting pattern because you can use it any number of times, or resell it on trademe. But people grumble about the price.

This afternoon a customer asked me if they could take away a pattern and photocopy it!! When I got over my surprise I explained that wasn't possible because of copyright law and she went off muttering. When I looked again, she was sitting at the pattern table with pen and paper, copying out by hand!!!

Well, what can you do? the customer is always right and this one spends a lot on wool, so the manager said to leave her. But honestly, if you're that set against paying for a pattern why not look in the thrift stores or borrow a book on designing from the library and create your own.


October 11th, 2009 at 06:39 pm

Reasons to be Financially Independent no 53

So you don't have to take a day off work when the repairman is coming.

In the black

October 5th, 2009 at 07:13 am

The Red Cross shop had a dollar a bag sale. I didn't need much, but I got two pairs of black pants, because you can never have too many pairs of black work pants.