She works hard for the money
August 27th, 2011 at 06:06 amSince I came back from holiday everyone else at the shop has decided they want to go on holiday. So I'm getting extra hours next month. Keep on stashing the cash.
Viewing the 'Work' CategoryShe works hard for the moneyAugust 27th, 2011 at 06:06 amSince I came back from holiday everyone else at the shop has decided they want to go on holiday. So I'm getting extra hours next month. Keep on stashing the cash. This is the way we earn our payOctober 1st, 2010 at 06:06 amToday is the day of the big tax changes, hailed by our Minister of Finance as the most important in 25 years. Goods and services tax goes up 2 and 1/2%, and income tax is lowered, in my case the bracket goes down 3 and 1/2%. With an income of less than nz$20,000 pa I really don't expect to see much significant difference. More power to your elbowJuly 5th, 2010 at 06:44 amThere was a line crew working down the street today. One guy was up in a box trimming overhanging branches away from the lines. Three others leaned on shovels, apparantly waiting to bury him if he got electrocuted. No wonder my power bill is so high. WhizzFebruary 26th, 2010 at 05:54 amfeels like this week has rushed by. On Wednesday we all got such a surprised when the shop manager announced she was quitting next week to go to University. She has been getting a lot of grief from head office so I'm not really surprised she's leaving, but I don't know that rushing into a big student loan is the best long run decision for a single mom with three kids. But perhaps she'll get a high paying job and it will all work out. She's a nice person, just stressed out from all the hassles, and I wish her all the best. UnemployedFebruary 19th, 2010 at 06:24 amI have been talking to my dr and as I handled the extra hours over New Year well, he agrees I can start looking for 30 hours a week again. This is officially a full time job, so I am now transferred from the sickness benefit to the unemployment benefit. No change in financial circumstances as the amount paid is the same, but to say I'm unemployed implies a temporary situation whereas when I'm sick I get very depressed thinking I'm going to stuck like this. Anyway, I met with a work broker today to discuss a work plan, It won't be easy with so many still out of work, but I have an advantage in that I am already doing 2 pt jobs. I think I will look for retail work instead of going back to office work as I really enjoy working in the wool shop. CheapOctober 27th, 2009 at 05:43 amI really don't think nz$5 is all that expensive for a knitting pattern because you can use it any number of times, or resell it on trademe. But people grumble about the price. CutbackAugust 8th, 2009 at 05:46 amSo we are heading into spring and with the warmer weather, people are not buying as much wool. The word has come from head office that hours are to be cut back, so I will only be working Saturdays at the wool shop now. However we get a lot of tourists in summer and they like to buy New Zealand wool, so hours may pick up again. At least for the meantime, I will be able to go to creative writing classes again. Incentive to work?June 30th, 2009 at 03:17 amI have been asked if I will work 2 days at the shop, and I'm happy to do that, but the math really sux. Above the nz$80 a week limit, I pay secondary income tax of 22 cents in the dollar, then WINZ deducts 70 cents in the dollar from my benefit. I am left ONE single dolar better off for every extra hour I work - and that's before I've paid for busfare and pantyhose. I shall still do it, because of getting a reference, but I feel like writing a letter to the Prime Minister asking him if he thinks this situation encourages people to help support themselves by working. Bank on itJune 29th, 2009 at 06:54 amToday I worked both jobs. Boy am I pooped. But it's nice to be asked to work extra hours. At the shop this morning I was asked to bank the last 2 days of sale takings - great thick envelopes stuffed with $20 bills. I was glancing over my shoulder the whole way in case someone was stalking me. I was also considering whether I could claim expenses for 10 cents worth of shoe leather, when lo and behold! outside the bank I picked up a 20 cent and 2 10 cents. My addictionJune 20th, 2009 at 08:05 amI worked extra hours this week because of the sale. I spent all the extra money earned in the sale. 65 balls of wool. Nearly nz$100 worth. 16 white, 20 black, 20 earth tones, 8 purple and one striped sock wool. All 100% wool and very good value - if I needed it all. GrrMay 16th, 2009 at 05:22 amIt's that blessed debit card that does it. When I have only a little cash to spend i am careful because i don't want to get any more out, but since my pay went it the debit card keeps telling me - go on - only $6.00 for lunch; you've got $300 in your checking account, you can afford it. I guess I can because the bills come out of another account, but there are things I am planning to buy, like a new coat, and frittering my money away stops me reaching my goals. I only spent nz3.20 in cash today, on a needle guage which I'd planned to buy, but nz20.00 went on junk food and other junk. I'll have to stop carrying the plastic fantastic. It never rains...May 1st, 2009 at 07:36 am...but it pours. Today I got offered a second job, working at the LYS (local yarn store) on Saturday. I hope I can cope with 2 part time jobs, but there is a chance I may be offered more hours at the yarn store, in which case I will let the cleaning job go. In the meantime, I think it will be enough to see me through the winter (always a difficult time for me) All spick and dandyApril 21st, 2009 at 05:47 amMy church is looking for someone to clean. Just a few hours a week, but one must start somewhere, so I volunteered to spend the next week doing the cleaning. If it works out I should get the job. and thereby hangs a yarnApril 3rd, 2009 at 06:30 amI put in another p/t job application today, working at a yarn store. I would love that job, although it doesn't pay very much. But I would have to watch I don't spend all my money on knitting supplies. Job huntingMarch 24th, 2009 at 03:03 ami put in 2 p/t job applications today. One as a radio station receptionist, the other conducting phone surveys. I have a feeling in my bones I'll get the latter. Yes, I'm going to be one of those annoying people who ring you up at dinnertime and ask you about your opinion of different brands of dog food. But if I don't get a job soon I'll be the one eating dog food. A Stitch in time...July 2nd, 2007 at 09:52 pm...saves nine, as granma always used to say. I was so peeved about that library fine, I took a couple minutes to sign up to I'd been told some time previously this was available and kept meaning to get round to it. Procrastination has cost me money!!Those of you bothered by returning books on the due date, check to see if your local library is linked to it. I have been told of a free community college course I am eligible for, doing computing. i thik I'dlike to get my typig speed up to 60wpm with less errorrs!!! Owing to the lack of flexibility in all my joints and limbs this may be difficult, but there are good jobs out there for speedy typists. I also want to do web design, MYOB and payroll. that should get me a wider range of temping jobs. I found a free trial version of TypingMaster, the same one used by the college, so am practicing 30 minutes every day at home. The advantage of going down to college is someone else pays for the heating!! Trying to stay in fashionMay 28th, 2007 at 08:41 amNow as a thrift store habituee I must admit I don't pay much attention to fashion, I just buy what I like. But a couple of gentle hints have been dropped that I am a little bit - uh, showing that I'm now in late youth and still wearing the clothes that were popular in my - trendier years. Important to dress for success if I'm job hunting! And since losing weight I need new clothes anyway. Job huntingMay 14th, 2007 at 09:29 pmGot two "thankyouforyourapplicationweregrettotellyouyouhavenotbeensuccesful" letters, so am feeling a bit blue. I really thought I had a good chance at the bookstore one in particular. Happy memoriesMay 4th, 2007 at 08:59 pmI haven't blogged for a while, i know. It's been a bit of a struggle lately, and I'm rather depressed about having so little money to live on. It's nice catching up with you guys, to know I'm not alone and see everybody working so hard toward their goals. BlahApril 5th, 2007 at 05:52 amOh I'm feeling rotten. I've got la misery virus. Neverthless I forced myself to go to the interview where I was informed the job had already gone (Gee thanks - you let me drag myself into town to tell me that?) I'm going to curl up in bed for the weekend - looks forward to chocolate on Easter Sunday. Job HuntingJanuary 26th, 2007 at 07:44 amWhen I went grocery shopping this morning the supermarket had a sign saying they were looking for produce assistants. I like my veggies so filled in an application form. When I got home I spent some time job searching on the net, and found our local museum is looking for a data entry person for 6 months. Pay is not very high but sounds like an interesting job, and it is close enough for me to walk to work. If I get it I would be able to save $100 a week. The value of savingsJanuary 5th, 2007 at 07:12 pmI haven't mentioned I started the new job this week. They suggested I come in from 2-6, but I found I could complete the work in only 3 hours. Since noone is around to supervise me, I could be dishonest and pad the timesheet. Of course I don't do that, but it means I am earning less money. Hard at workDecember 21st, 2006 at 05:17 amI know some folks have commented in their blogs about getting bills for ridiculous amounts like 15 cents. Well, today I was preparing the invoices for sending out, and I came across a number for very low amounts, even ones for .01 cent, and even for zero, (where nothing was actually sent out, just to let them know it was backordered) Good NewsDecember 18th, 2006 at 07:42 amThe temping agency rang me today. I am finishing this job on Friday, but they want me to go for another pt job starting on Jan 3. So I will have a nice 10 day break over Christmas/New Year, then more money coming in. Counting my blessingsNovember 30th, 2006 at 07:02 pmLast week I tripped over the phone cord and had a bad fall - my arm was so sore one of my coworkers insisted on driving me to A&E to get it xrayed. Fortunately there was no fracture, but I have a massive bruise on my elbow. However I can still use the arm. I am so glad we have a free hospital system in New Zealand. Losing trackApril 2nd, 2006 at 02:25 amWith everything so up in the air last month I didn't keep track of all my expenses. I was also doing a fair bit of comfort spending at the little coffee-and-muffin shop near the hospital. As near as I can calculate I have spent $55 there, and a total of over $1500 this month. But I did buy a new fridge/freezer, do some necessary repairs round home, pay Toastmaster fees and make a $90 donation to charity. So I guess that's okay, it's just that my savings account is now down to $214 so I need to rebuild it. I also have $2020 in Bonus Bonds which I can borrow against if need be. |