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Archive for October, 2018
October 31st, 2018 at 08:09 am
Payday - 5th this month $289.15. Yay! I will buy produce tomorrow, apart from that I shouldn't need to buy anything this week.
There is a church picnic planned for Sunday, but the weather forecast doesn't look promising. The backup plan is to go to a cafe, so I may end up buying lunch.
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Money In,
$20 Challenge
October 30th, 2018 at 08:17 am
Out: hummus $2.49, crackers 99 cents
There was an earthquake today, though I didn't feel it. Fortunately there are no reports of damage. So I checked my emergency supplies. I have water, canned goods and a torch, but need a first aid kit and a battery operated radio. I also need to put my essential meds and important documents where I can grab them easily.
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Money Out,
$20 Challenge,
October 29th, 2018 at 08:15 am
The Scavengers Paradise craft store is closing but I didn't go. I'm planning to use what I have before buying more.
I bought peanut butter $1.99 and flour $1.59, booth on special so I saved 50 cents. My aim is to buy staples only when they are on special. I am running short of baking powder so I bought self rising flour as it was the same price as the plain. Normally it costs more.
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Money Out,
$20 Challenge,
October 28th, 2018 at 08:23 am
Our church service was held at the nearby rest home this morning. After we went to the nearby cafe. There were no vegan options so I just had coffee and a couple pieces of fruit, $5.20. I then went to the supermarket and bought 2 packets of cookies for $4.50 which I devoured in 40 minutes. I feel sick from all the sugar and silly for wasting my money.
Left in my cash envelopes:
food $18
medical/dental $$320
change dish $3.50
mta vouchers $30
bus pass $16.19
in my misc jars:
neccessities $50
Financial Freedom $12
education $12
play $2
gifts $1
Posted in
Money Out,
$20 Challenge,
October 27th, 2018 at 09:26 am
In: found 50 cents
Out: Marmite $5.50
Today for breakfast I had oatmeal with sultanas and cinnamon; lunch coconut pancakes with lemon juice and sugar; dinner pasta, potatoes, broccoli and chickpeas.
Someone gave me 4 bags of weaving singles. I knew it would take me ages to get round to using them, so I donated them to the annual craft sale.
I am not buying books and today I found in the Lilliput Library a book called Money Success and You by John Kehoe. It turned out to be one of those motivational books that tell you about other rich people. I don't need to be a multimillionaire and I don't want to be famous; I'm just looking for a basic how to on investing.
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Money In,
Money Out,
$20 Challenge,
Thinking about Money,
October 26th, 2018 at 10:20 am
At Artsenta today they had free fruit. I took an apple and 2 mandarins. I am making pottery bowls and bead jewelry for Christmas gifts. After I went to the Rotary secondhand book sale and bought 3 books at a dollar each as gifts. (if your friends don't like recieving secondhand books get some new friends) I thought about buying a book a knitting patterns for myself, but there are loads of free patterns on the net.
I recieved a plumber's bill of $29.18 as my share of some work done for all our units. I paid it online right away as I don't like unpaid bills hanging round when I have the money to pay them. I like to know all the money in my account is mine to spend.
I paid $15 for a prescription.
The good news is I do not have bowel cancer and don't need another test for 2 years.
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Money Out,
$20 Challenge
October 25th, 2018 at 09:19 am
In: found 10 cents
Out: fruit and veg $6
There was a load of very good yarn in the thrift store this morning. I could have spent $32, but realised it's only 2 months to Christmas and I'm supposed to be setting money aside for it.
I finished the last of the popcorn.
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Money In,
Money Out,
$20 Challenge,
Not Spending
October 24th, 2018 at 09:37 am
My bill paying account has built up to the point where I have enough to pay 3 months of power bills. Since it will be lower over the summer I transferred $200 to my FFEF. It's nice to have a buffer for when I go to India, as I'll have no income for the 3 weeks I'm away, but the FFEF is to cover other emergencies as well.
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$20 Challenge,
October 23rd, 2018 at 09:09 am
I walked to Pak n Save and bought
sultanas $1.79
pasta 75 cents
lentils $2.15
I was too tired to walk back and it was starting to rain, so I caught the bus back $1.92.
For lunch I bought some bread rolls at New World from my Play jar $2.30. Have to wait until tomorrow for a whole $2 to spend on enjoying myself.
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Money Out,
$20 Challenge,
October 22nd, 2018 at 09:19 am
I was given some rhubarb, but had to buy sugar to cook it. $2.60.
Posted in
Money Out,
$20 Challenge,
October 21st, 2018 at 09:17 am
Left in my cash envelopes:
food $20
medical $315
mta vouchers $30
bus card $18.11
misc total $102, split up in jars as follows:
necessities $56.10
Financial freedom $10.20
long term savings $10.20
education 410.20
play $2.30
give 10 cents
Trans Siberian fund $110.20
Posted in
$20 Challenge,
October 20th, 2018 at 09:31 am
A quiet day at home; no money in, no money out. I earned about 12 cents interest on my savings account and a dollar on my retirement savings.
Posted in
$20 Challenge,
Not Spending
October 19th, 2018 at 09:11 am
found $2
doctor $25
brunch with friend $7.90
I realised that if I put all $20 per week of my misc money into the T Harv Eker jars, I can do it with the suggested percentages. It makes sense to try the system the reccommended way when it works for a millionaire, before trying it my own less successful way.
So the reccommended percentages are:
Necessities 55%
Financial Freedom 10%
Long tern Savings for Spending 10%
Education 10%
Play 10%
Give 5%
Posted in
Money In,
Money Out,
$20 Challenge,
October 18th, 2018 at 09:09 am
And the trip to India is on. Cost $2,800.
Posted in
$20 Challenge,
October 17th, 2018 at 09:19 am
In $289.13
flour $1.59
pasta 75 cents
I have been reading about the six jars method of handling your money by T Harv Eker. I'm always looking for more efficient ways to handle my money so will give it a try for the next 6 months. But with the system I'm already using, I can only put $5 aweek from my misc $20 into the jaars, plus my loose change.
I dickered with the amount going into the jars. There didn't seem much point in having a Neccesities jar when I'm already budgeting for that outside of the jars, whereas I really want to beef (oops I mean tofu) up my Financial Freedom jar. So my allocation is:
Financial Freedom 50%
Long Term Savings 25% this is going into my Trans Siberian fund
Education 10% I am saving for recorder lessons
Play 10%
Give 5%
At the moment I have a total of $14 in my jars.
Posted in
Money In,
Money Out,
$20 Challenge,
October 16th, 2018 at 09:17 am
2 cans chickpeas $2
trashsaks $17
I find I am saving more money using cash. I like having stacks of $20 bills in my envelopes and don't want to spend them.
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Money Out,
$20 Challenge
October 15th, 2018 at 09:22 am
I spring cleaned my closet and took 2 bags of clothes I haven't worn in 18 months to the Sallies. I shall have to prevent myself from buying more to fill up the spaces in my closet.
Posted in
$20 Challenge
October 14th, 2018 at 09:07 am
Now that it is lighter longer I have started going to early morning meditation again. Afterwards the center gives us breakfast, so I just had marmelade on toast.
In: found 20 cents
bananas $2.11
bread roll 69 cents
coffee $2
left in my cash envelopes:
food $12
misc $110
medical $320
change dish $4.30
mta vouchers $30
bus card $20.03
Posted in
Money In,
Money Out,
$20 Challenge,
October 13th, 2018 at 09:19 am
I still have not heard whether the trip to India is on in December. One of the leaders is very ill and the other is 104 so it may be postponed until new leadership is decided. It's ok by me if it doesn't happen till next year, as I should finish my EF by the end of next year.
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$20 Challenge,
October 12th, 2018 at 08:59 am
I am getting used to spending very little money; in fact I get a kick out of not spending, knowing every dollar saved brings me nearer to my goals.
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$20 Challenge,
Not Spending
October 11th, 2018 at 09:21 am
Posted in
Money In,
$20 Challenge
October 11th, 2018 at 01:42 am
I have just under 5 years to save in my Kiwisaver until retirement. I have been putting in $10 a week since my last job, today I increased it to $20 to take advantage of the tax incentive.
Posted in
$20 Challenge
October 9th, 2018 at 09:16 am
My unit is on a cross lease, i.e. I own the building and am responsible for my own insurance and repairs, but all the unit owners are equally responsible for section costs such as hedge trimming and paving the driveway.
Today I got back to find the arborist felling a tree. I don't know who called him and whether I am going to be sent a share of the bill. I don't really mind the tree going as it was dying and getting dangerous, plus with it gone more light comes in my kitchen, but I wish it had been discussed beforehad so I can prepare financially.
Posted in
$20 Challenge
October 9th, 2018 at 03:22 am
peanut butter $2.19
sultanas $1.79
pasta 75 cents
lentils $2.15
Posted in
Money Out,
$20 Challenge,
October 7th, 2018 at 09:01 am
left in my cash envelopes:
food $10
misc $110
medical $300
change dish $3.30
mta vouchers $40
bus card $20.03
Posted in
$20 Challenge
October 6th, 2018 at 09:06 am
I ordered a copy of The Total Money Makeover for ds' Christmas present. $33.08 including shipping from the US. I am hoping it will inspire him to pay off his student loan. I don't agree with all Dave Ramsey's opinions, but ds is a radio buff so if he listens to the show the Debt Free Screams might encourage him to believe he can do it.
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Money Out,
$20 Challenge,
October 5th, 2018 at 09:08 am
The Pet Rescue charity shop had wool for sale at $1 a ball. I restrained myself and only bought 6 balls.
With putting in little bits of money here and there, I now have $103.40 in my Trans Siberian fund. I keep thinking I should put it toward my EF, but I also want to save to reward myself for meeting my goals.
Posted in
Money Out,
$20 Challenge,
October 4th, 2018 at 09:44 am
The thrift store had some foam rubber play mats so I grabbed them to use as blocking mats. Price $2.50 which is really good when the cost of them new is $30.
Posted in
Money Out,
$20 Challenge
October 3rd, 2018 at 09:08 am
Payday. Today is the last payment of the electricity supplement, so a total of $286.69. I am capping my house maintenace account at $2,800 and my travel fund at $5,000, so was able to transfer $100 from each account to my EF.
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Money In,
$20 Challenge,
October 2nd, 2018 at 09:02 am
In: found 10 cents
Out: 5kg rice $6.70
1.5kg flour $1.80
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Money In,
Money Out,
$20 Challenge