Tonight some friends had a potluck. All of us are on disability or work parttime. We had:
shaved ham
chocolate cake
sounds like a feast to me! We were talking about the old days (most of us 40-55) and recalling how our parents used to grow veggies, hunt and fish, bake goods, and make our own clothes. I have to say, I think a lot of the poverty we hear about in this country is because people have lost those skills.
I once met a Russian who had jumped ship in a NZ port. He only had a knife, but he made his way inland, and spent several months living off the land, before he got legal status and wound up being quite a successful landlord. He always said this was a wonderful land of opportunity and he didn't see what people had to complain about. Even without money, life here is so much better than in other parts of the world.
I love being poor in New Zealand!
February 16th, 2007 at 07:22 am
February 16th, 2007 at 05:29 pm 1171646945