Home > Lucky day

Lucky day

January 19th, 2007 at 08:37 pm

Today I was on my way to work. First I noticed the Sally Army was having a bag sale, so stopped to take a look. I didn't buy any clothes, but I got a book on traditional quilt making for a $1.

Carrying on, I saw the local radio station was having a promo and giving away freebies. I got a couple of sachets hair dye, which I gave to a blonde friend: some Nicorette gum, to give to a friend who's trying to give up smoking; and some Hilary Duff scent. Smells quite nice.

Then today was my last day at this job, so thought I would buy myself a little celebration lunch in town. I asked for a pizza slice, and the counter asstant said as they were rather old, she would give me two for the price of one. So I had 2 slices of pizza and a cup of tea for $3nz.

My friends often comment that I am a lucky person. Seems that way.

4 Responses to “Lucky day”

  1. Amber Says:

    glad you had a nice day Smile

  2. laceshawl Says:

    Happy smiles across the Tasman Stargirl. All going well, I'm hoping to hop across the ditch for a holiday next year.

  3. baselle Says:

    You also have the temprament for luck to happen. Luck rarely happens to crabby people ... scratch that, crabby people rarely realize they have luck.

  4. laceshawl Says:

    baselle, I think you are right. Luck is largely a matter of being grateful for the good things that come to you, and crabby people are so busy complaining, they never realise all that they have to be grateful for. Hope you get good luck too Smile

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