Money in
June 17th, 2009 at 08:48 amI said all the coins were covered up by the snow yesterday. Today it is all melted and I found 90 cents.
Viewing the 'Money In' CategoryMoney inJune 17th, 2009 at 08:48 amI said all the coins were covered up by the snow yesterday. Today it is all melted and I found 90 cents. Stamp taxMay 25th, 2009 at 09:54 amI nearly came out even today. I went to post my tax return and then I remembered; for most govt departments sending in forms is freepost. The IRD asks you to pay for the stamp yourself (maybe they are trying to boost Post Office revenue?). So I went to buy a stamp for nz.50 and on the way back I rescued a 10 cent and a 20 cent from being buried alive. There were roadworks going on and they were lying not far from the hole. Glad the workman didn't poke his head out as I was picking them up or I'd have been embarrassed. Now I wonder, do I have to declare .30 cents as income from the Ministry of Transport? changeMay 17th, 2009 at 08:47 amI found two coins on the way back from church, a ten cent and a twenty cent. I now have a total of nz26.40 in my change jar, so will buy a $25 Bonus Bond tomorrow. InterestMay 3rd, 2009 at 02:33 amI recieved notification that I earned nz133.98 interest last year. Happy happy joy joy. If I use the 20% discount I get on purchases at the yarn store, I can get some Rowan wool. Reward for good behaviourApril 9th, 2009 at 01:10 amEven though it was really cold outside I decided to go to Bible study at church. On my way I found a dollar. Wouldn't it be nice if I got money every time I did. guess a lot more people would go to church. Don't walk pasta bargainMarch 19th, 2009 at 04:14 amWas going to make today a NSD, but got a flyer saying pasta was on sale at my local supermarket, so bought 2 packets macaroni. That should keep me going for some time, and I still have .30 left over from my challenge. Found MoneyMarch 18th, 2009 at 12:53 amI went to knitting group this morning. Normally we each put in .50 cents for a cup of tea and a cookie. But I found 50 cents on the way, so it didn't cost me anything. I now have a total of $2.10 gone in my jar this week. Money InMay 7th, 2008 at 06:55 amToday I received $28.47 as a tax rebate. Thankyou - I'll put it in my doing-up-the-house-to-sell-it fund. Double good newsJune 11th, 2007 at 10:31 pmBrrr it's winter here in godzone. We have had a good frost for the last couple nights. Hard to make myself get out of bed and the power bills are skyrocketing Take it with a grain of saltJune 1st, 2007 at 02:21 amToday I visited the University library at which I have alumna borrowing priveleges. There was a display of rare books, including an 1822 biography of Napoleon and a first edition of Samuel Johnson's Dictionary. He was a character who came up with his own opinionated definitions. The book was open at the one which reads: "stockjobber (ie broker) a low wretch who makes his living buying and selling shares." Given the unregulated market of his day, he was likely correct. Out of the blueMay 16th, 2007 at 09:59 pmI received a check for $29.97, for some remaining holiday leave. Not much, but enough to put a smile on my face. So I splurged on an hourlong phone call to ds in England. New Rags for OldMay 9th, 2007 at 09:54 amNow that my old clothes are too big for me, I thought I would try selling some of the better quality ones thru a consignment store. Today a check arrived for one of my suits - $30. I was very pleased as winter is setting in here and I needed a new coat. Set off to the thrift store and found a very nice one for $20. The remaining $10 will be set aside for new underwear. Money for scrapMarch 11th, 2007 at 04:11 amI have this old pot belly stove in my living room. It no longer conforms to regulations, so I can't use it, plus I no longer have the strength to chop wood for it. I have been planning to get it removed and put in more efficient heating. I was chatting with one of my neighbors about my renovation plans, and he said he would like to have it - he plans to do something with gas with it. He has offered to remove the stove and connected radiator for me, plus he will pay me $100nz. Beats having to pay someone to take it away to the dump. Twenty dollarsMarch 8th, 2007 at 11:38 pmSo the next level of manifesting money was $20. I got the idea to take some books I had down to the 2nd hand bookstore. I made $19, and all the way back I kept telling myself there was another dollar for me somewhere. Well, I stopped at the supermarket and there it was! Lying just by the lottery counter! So I bought a can of tuna and dropped it in the food bank collection can - much more useful to a poor person than buying a lotto ticket. On to the next level, but I think the odds are against me finding $50 in the street Manifesting moneyMarch 7th, 2007 at 08:29 pmI have been reading all about mind power and visualizing to achieve your goals for some time, but it always seemed such a complex thing I never kept it up for long. But yesterday I came across this website which outlines demonstrating increasing amounts of money in steps. Well, I decided it should be easy enough to demonstrate a dollar, so sat down and contemplated that for 5 minutes. Then I went for a walk and found coins totalling $1.20! Woohoo, I'm a Master at the first level! Now on with manifesting 10 dollars.ETA: I just had the thought to check a compartment of a purse I don't often use - and waddya think - I FOUND TEN DOLLARS INSIDE!!!! Easy Come, Easy GoMarch 3rd, 2007 at 04:26 amLast month saw the start of the academic year, with thousands of students pouring into town, and much beer pouring in the hotels. It does get pretty rowdy during Orientation Week, so I steered clear of the University last week. But I did get to sell some old textbooks - $26.25 in. Good. Thieves' AlleyFebruary 3rd, 2007 at 02:05 amToday our town had its annual market day, known as Thieves' Alley. It is a fun occasion with street entertainers, ethnic food, handcraft, second hand and bake stalls. The crowds were too busy for me to get thru, so I looked round the edges. I was a bit disappointed as they seemed to be mostly cheap imported clothing and jewellry. I did see some native plant seedlings for $2 each, but decided I would plant my veggie garden first. There were also some used book stalls, but I kept telling myself they were only after my money, and it was better in my pocket than theirs. I watched a display of belly dancing. Then I found a total of 70 cents on the ground, so decided I would take it home. Planning to saveJanuary 29th, 2007 at 11:10 pmI usually shop at the New World nearest my place because I can get reduced to clear fruit and veges cheaper, but when I'm in town I pick up the specials at Countdown, especially canned goods. i spent some time this mornign checking their prices. They have some good deals, but I did notice 2 small packets of milk powder were cheaper than one big one, and their so called special deal on popping corn was more per unit than from the bulk bins. OTOH, their bulk bin of red lentils was more per unit than I pay for a bag at my home supermarket. So it pays to take a calculator. I am working up a price book, but they keep changing the deals round. Financial IndependenceDecember 27th, 2006 at 07:48 amSomeone in these blogs linked to and I've just been reading her. Her manner is not calculated to win friends and influence people, but what really resonated with me was her idea of buying freedom by not buying stuff. Not being tied to having to do what the boss says - how wonderful! I know some people think that beneficiaries get money without having to work for it, but being forced to dance to Income Support's tune is no joy either. I don't know any unemployed people who are happy with their situation. Merry Christmas to MeDecember 24th, 2006 at 07:57 amI gave $5 to the Salvation Army street appeal this morning. I am a firm believer that whatever you give away comes back to you. Sure enough I was walking back home across the Botanic Gardens and I spied a $5 note lying on a bench. No one was around, so I thanked the Universe. That's the quickest return I ever had. Hard at workDecember 21st, 2006 at 05:17 amI know some folks have commented in their blogs about getting bills for ridiculous amounts like 15 cents. Well, today I was preparing the invoices for sending out, and I came across a number for very low amounts, even ones for .01 cent, and even for zero, (where nothing was actually sent out, just to let them know it was backordered) WeekendDecember 16th, 2006 at 03:24 amBoy, working 30 hours a week, especially leading up to holiday season, is really tiring for me. Never mind, got paid $303.03 after tax, of which $80 got paid into my EF and $20 into retirement. Yay for me saving over 25% of wages. Office party was on Friday, so didn't have to cook dinner that night. No gift exchange, instead the bosses donated a bottle of wine and we had a draw for it. I didn't win, but as I can't drink wine with my medication anyway it didn't matter. Study can increase your incomeNovember 22nd, 2006 at 05:02 amOne good thing about living in a university town, they are always wanting people to participate in studies, and are usually prepared to pay them. Today I took part in a study on motor control at the Psychology Dept. Very simple; all I had to do was sit at the computer and press either the left or right key, depending on whether a white cross or a green dot came up. Took me 30 minutes and I was given $25. I have to go back next week to do another test, and will recieve another $25 then. I put $5 in my wallet, and am planning to save the rest. Byebye Car, Hello DollarsNovember 12th, 2006 at 03:28 amSis has returned home, leaving her elderly bomb behind for me in exchange for borrowed money. After some thought I decided to sell it. The Govt giveth with one handOctober 25th, 2006 at 07:42 amand taketh away with the other. I was informed that anyone with an income of under $nz20,000 last year could apply for a $500 rebate on rates (property taxes). As this most definitely includes me, I hurried to get the forms. And waddya think was written on them? Income going upOctober 20th, 2006 at 10:02 amJust before I stopped work today the boss said casually, let's keep taking it week by week, shall we? But the agency rep tells me he was very keen to have me stay on. They are coming up to their busy season, so i think I will be working until Christmas. Thank you Universe!October 18th, 2006 at 09:22 amfor the encouragement. Today I decided to walk back from work to save money and because I need the exercise. On the way I found a dollar and two 10s! With a little bit of change I had in my jar, I now have $6.20 and I get paid tomorrow. First Week at workOctober 14th, 2006 at 03:38 amWell, i got my first contract thru the temping agancy. 2 weeks of 20 hrs per week. I completed my first week this week, and the office supervisor said I fitted in well and she hoped the boss would ask me to stay on as there was plenty of work for me to do. So fingers crossed. I am getting my first pay next Wed, and will be getting about $50 a week more income after the cuts to the Sickness Benefit are made. My only current extra expenses are $2.60 a day busfare. Lucky meJuly 15th, 2006 at 10:03 pmI won $NZ20 this month. No I did not buy a lottery ticket. Let me explain. Click clickJune 29th, 2006 at 05:45 amOne week after ds left, what should arrive in the mailbox for him but a $30 check from Smile City (a New Zealand site) for answering surveys. He'd been trying to get me to sign up to earn himself more points, but I was a bit iffy. After I'd paid the money into his account, I rushed to sign up. i have already earned 127 points just for 5 minutes clicking on banners (over $1)