Home > Don't walk pasta bargain

Don't walk pasta bargain

March 19th, 2009 at 04:14 am

Was going to make today a NSD, but got a flyer saying pasta was on sale at my local supermarket, so bought 2 packets macaroni. That should keep me going for some time, and I still have .30 left over from my challenge.

this morning I made potato and lentil patties, with the can of tomatoes and tonite I made some gingerbread. I had one or two slices - okay, five. It was good.

And I found .70 cents.

2 Responses to “Don't walk pasta bargain”

  1. momcents Says:

    Can you share your potatoe/lentil patty recipe? Sounds good!

  2. laceshawl Says:

    Cook 1/2 cup lentils with your favorite herbs, drain any excess liquid. Fry chopped onion until golden brown. Mix lentils and onion with 2 cups mashed potato, add a little flour if it is a bit sloppy. Shape into patties and dip in flour. Fry until nicely golden brown. You can use any herbs or spices you like.

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