May 15th, 2009 at 08:12 am
So today was the annual big book sale. The books have gone up in price from .50 cents to nz1.00 each. I heard some of the workers saying next year will be the 30th and the last year in the current format. It goes for 24 hours and they have bands playing. As it was so crowded I didn't stay long, just bought a big load of craft magazines for nz4.50. Should keep me busy over winter. I like it that the older ones show you how to make stuff out of odds and ends, instead of going out and buying special materials which cost a bomb.
Posted in
Money Out
May 12th, 2009 at 08:32 am
It was really wet out side so I stayed at home and had a NSD - except the meter reader called so I will be getting a bill shortly for the power I'm using.
I did my banking online. My pay from my first job went thru last week, 73.30, and the one from the second job eventually turned up today, 75.30. I haven't got a payslip for that yet, and I suspect they've automatically enrolled me in Kiwisaver and taken out 2%. I've an idea you're only aloowed to sign up for one job with the scheme, but I will have to check. Would be a shame to miss out on the employer contribution.
I also recieved nz20.00 from my Bonus Bonds. And a letter from WINZ saying they are going to deduct 32.00 a week from my benefit, but that's okay. I just have to keep them informed if my hours change.
Posted in
May 11th, 2009 at 07:54 am
Routine visit to the dr today, altho I've been feeling more energetic recently, I had to get a new prescription. So with my Community Services card it was nz30.00 for the dr and nz6.00 for the pharmacist. However as a high user, I qualified for a free flu jab. My arm is sore, but hopefully I am protected for the winter.
Posted in
Money Out
May 9th, 2009 at 09:28 am
Brr, it's freezing today. A southern blowing all the way from Antartica, and snow down to 300 meters. I need warm wooly socks, so bought sock needles for nz4.30 with my discount. I have forbidden myslef from buying any more wool until I have used up my stash - good job I have lots of fingering wool.
Posted in
Money Out
May 8th, 2009 at 09:36 am
What happened? I took nz 40.00 from the ATM on Wednesday and two days later I only have 14.50 left. This is what happens when you're not paying attention - automatic pilot takes over.
I have just started a spirituality course which includes a section on mindfulness. Instead of watching my breath in and out I think I shall have to start watching my cash in and out. Dollar Buddhism.
Posted in
Money Out
May 4th, 2009 at 07:57 am
I love cheese, but rarely buy it as it is so flippin expensive - and fattening. Today I thought I would splash out on a far too small piece for nz5.00. I have already eaten all of it on toast. I don't regret the money, but now I'm worried about getting on the scale!
Posted in
Money Out
May 3rd, 2009 at 02:33 am
I recieved notification that I earned nz133.98 interest last year. Happy happy joy joy. If I use the 20% discount I get on purchases at the yarn store, I can get some Rowan wool.
Posted in
Money In
May 1st, 2009 at 08:36 am
...but it pours. Today I got offered a second job, working at the LYS (local yarn store) on Saturday. I hope I can cope with 2 part time jobs, but there is a chance I may be offered more hours at the yarn store, in which case I will let the cleaning job go. In the meantime, I think it will be enough to see me through the winter (always a difficult time for me)
My mouse decided to celebrate by dying on me, so purchased a new one for nz29.95. I also thought I would buy myself a little treat, so went to a cafe I haven't been to before. A club sandwich and a long black cost me nz8.20. Ouch! I'll stick to a samosa from the Indian takeaway in future.
Posted in
Money Out,
April 28th, 2009 at 07:54 am
Only 5 hours cleaning a week, but for nice folks and the amount earned doesn't interfere with my benefit. Now I can start contributing to Kiwisaver again. My paln is to keep living on just the amount of the benefit and save all extra money into my EF (which currently stands at nz2,358)
Posted in
April 21st, 2009 at 06:47 am
My church is looking for someone to clean. Just a few hours a week, but one must start somewhere, so I volunteered to spend the next week doing the cleaning. If it works out I should get the job.
Posted in
April 20th, 2009 at 08:47 am
A friend has this old hand knitted jersey he's very fond of. He complained to me the cuffs and neckband were wearing out and asked if I could do something to mend it. They were quite ragged, so I unravelled them and knitted up new ones using some old wool I had. Result, one smart looking jersey. He was very pleased.
I think poeple who know these skills are going to be frequently called on in the coming months.
Posted in
Not Spending
April 19th, 2009 at 01:44 am
Last night a friend rang up to say she had tickets to the National Youth Choir and did I want to go. So I jumped at the chance and hunted in my wardrobe for some glad rags to wear. Concert going ladies always seem to go for shawls in a big way, so I wore one of my hand knitted ones. I got several compliments, which is pretty good as the yarn only cost me a dollar, and the rest of my clothes also came from the thrift store - total considerably less than the cost of the tickets. Anyway, had a wonderful time, the choir was terrific, but there was a sour end to the evening. While they were performing someone broke into the changing rooms and stole their wallets and other property. Hope the cops catch them soon.
Posted in
April 15th, 2009 at 07:02 am
About 15 years ago, New Zealand deicided to get rid of the 1 cent coin, as you couldn't buy anything with it. From then on, everything was rounded to the nearest 5 cents. However, in their attempts to make us think we were getting a bargain, the shops continued to price in nines. So you'd see a can of beans at .99 and think, less than a dollar, but when you got to the checkout, it cost you a dollar anyway. But if you bought 3 cans, $2.97 rounded down to $2.95. Two cents saved!
Now we have got rid of the 5 cent as well and everything is rounded to the nearest 10 cents. Meanwhile the shops continue to sell mushrooms at nz9.99 a kilogram, so your purchase may come to nz4.76, which rounds up. Add the other things you're buying ending in 9 cents, and it may go up or down. Personally, I make it a game to get a total which will round down.
This morning I lucked out. I bought fruit and veg for nz9.78, so paid two cents extra. However, if I'd paid by debit card, they would have charged me the exact amount. Go figure.
Posted in
Money Out
April 13th, 2009 at 07:50 am
I went on a retreat over Easter, which I've been doing for several years. Lovely peaceful setting, good meals provided, and all for only nz$100. Definitely not giving that up. i took lunch up with me, but on the way back down we stopped at a very expensive cafe, and I spent $13 on lunch, because I didn't want to say no to the others. Oh well, if it's the only time I eat out this month I'll be doing well.
Posted in
Money Out
April 9th, 2009 at 01:10 am
Even though it was really cold outside I decided to go to Bible study at church. On my way I found a dollar. Wouldn't it be nice if I got money every time I did. guess a lot more people would go to church.
Posted in
Money In
April 8th, 2009 at 04:48 am
NSDs that is, if you don't count a direct debit to pay the credit union loan. The weather this week is horrible, yucky sleet and hail. I am not at all tempted to go out, so it looks like tomorrow will make it a hat trick. Of course I haven't received the electricity bill yet...
Posted in
Not Spending
April 6th, 2009 at 09:02 am
is what I'm looking for, since we're approaching winter in the Southern Hemisphere. I'm hoping to get one in the thrift stores for no more than nz$30, but no luck so far Ideally, I'd like it to be waterproof, but good enough to wear to work. I hope I find one soon, as I keep being tempted to impulse buy all sorts of pretty tops and skirts which I don't need, and all those two dollars an item keep adding up. The only other clothes I need are new socks and bra. Will wait for sale at The Warehouse.
Posted in
April 3rd, 2009 at 07:30 am
I put in another p/t job application today, working at a yarn store. I would love that job, although it doesn't pay very much. But I would have to watch I don't spend all my money on knitting supplies.
At the moment I'm knitting baby clothes for Pregnancy Help, but the wool was all donated.
Posted in
April 2nd, 2009 at 07:32 am
I briefly considered giving it up and drinking water, then I went and bought more coffee. nz2.50. I'll save on something else. No point having piles of money if I can't have what I like with some of the excess.
I have these periodic savings binges where I stop spending on virtually everything to save money, but that's not sustainable long term. I actually enjoy spending money on something I want, even if Depression-raised family voices keep telling me I should stick it under the mattress, in case I need it more later. I have no intention of being a multimillionaire centenarian full of regrets for how I deprived myself. So I'm planning to go on a retreat at Easter after my Lenten frugality.
Posted in
Money Out,
Not Spending
April 1st, 2009 at 01:49 am
Sorry to gripe a bit yesterday. Dealing with officaildom is getting me down a bit. I know I'm really fortunate to live in a country with a system so I don't wind up begging on the street.
Did my end of month sums. I used Text is www.simplesavings.co.nz and Link is www.simplesavings.co.nz to enter my daily spending. I had an income of nz$742 and outgoings of $960. That was caused by spending nz$400 on a computer, otherwise within budget.
I tried to make a distinction between needs and wants. Needs was essential bills and groceries, apart from that I chose to spend another $88. But what is a need. In many parts of the world a phone and ISP is a luxury, I don't have to make charitable donations, I could walk instead of catching the bus, refuse to eat out for my friend's birthday etc. But I would become an unlovable skinflint in the process, and very miserable to boot. So long as I keep regularly putting money aside, I can have a few treats now and then. I should have 2 more NSDs before Friday, then I'll have a burger with my friends and still have another nz$10 for my EF.
Posted in
Money Out
March 31st, 2009 at 04:28 am
So I'm looking sadly at my bank statement and asking myself whether I have any realistic hope of ever being financially independent. Perhaps not, but to me it still makes sense to save as much money from my benefit as I can. I never know when I might need a lump sum for house maintenance or travel to see family, so some needs to be put aside.
Then I think everybody should put something aside for retirement. I don't trust the govt when it comes to promises. Already they have altered the Kiwisaver scheme, and though they say they won't cut superannuation entitlements, I expect they will push the age limit out to 70. I can't see myself working that long.
Yes it is nice, to have time to do things like crafts when I'm on disbility, but basically being dependent on the govt sux. It's trying enough to have to go to the doctor all the time without having to carry forms to be filled in asking you all your personal details. Nothing is private and some anonymous bureaucrat makes decisions about how much money you are entitled to. Even if I was told I have to live on $nz184.17 a week for the rest of my life - the amount I currently get - I would do it happily knowing the money I had was mine and couldn't be taken away for some infringement. Building up my savings is a cushion of freedom for me. It cheers me to think my savings already add up to 2 years income.
Posted in
Thinking about Money
March 30th, 2009 at 08:05 am
I din't take any snacks with me and when I got hungry I spent nz1.80 on a piece of ginger crunch. I'm supposed to be watching my weight as well. At least I could have bought an apple.
I know it's not much, but I find it too easy to rationalize little spendy habits by telling myself just this once. It all adds up, and every unnecessary dollar I spend takes me a dollar further away from being financially independent.
Posted in
Money Out
March 29th, 2009 at 08:10 am
No, it's not too early. Today I bought some vouchers from New World supermarket. You get 5% discount in December.
Posted in
March 29th, 2009 at 12:56 am
Went out for a friend's birthday last night, to an all you can eat place. For nz$17 I had three loaded platefuls and just enough room for one bowl of dessert. I'm still feeling bloated today so didn't have any breakfast, nor did I have a muffin at church. I ate enough for 3 or 4 normal days eating. Oink oink. Good job I only go there a couple times a year.
Found .50 cents on the way to church, so put it in the plate.
Posted in
March 27th, 2009 at 05:58 am
I started the week with nz40.30 in my wallet. At the end of this week I still have $16. I didn't carry my ATM card with me - if I think I've got lots in checking, I'm too tempted to use it. But cash is great; you can see it disappearing.
So another $10 for the EF, and the rest in Christmas savings.
Posted in
March 26th, 2009 at 04:37 am
Fourth one this month - an average of one a week. Will see if I can make it 8 nsd next month. The less often I'm in the shops, the less I'm tempted to spend.
Posted in
Not Spending
March 25th, 2009 at 06:10 am
I have set up a monthly payment of nz$100 to be transferred to Bonus Bonds. It came out today. Otherwise nothing to report.
Posted in
March 24th, 2009 at 03:03 am
i put in 2 p/t job applications today. One as a radio station receptionist, the other conducting phone surveys. I have a feeling in my bones I'll get the latter. Yes, I'm going to be one of those annoying people who ring you up at dinnertime and ask you about your opinion of different brands of dog food. But if I don't get a job soon I'll be the one eating dog food.
Posted in
March 23rd, 2009 at 07:04 am
Guess where I had breakfast this morning? At the casino! I won a $10 meal voucher on the radio, so had myself a very nice plate of bacon and eggs. I have never been in a casino before. It was all very ornate gold decoration, but not many people playing at that time of the morning. There were quite a number of senior citizens. I wonder if they play the pokies, or were just there for a cheap meal. I didn't try any of the machines, I'm sure it's far too easy to get addicted.
You are supposed to get dressed up to enter, so I had my smartest top on, but I observed a lot of people who looked quite casual. The idea is to deter people who can't afford to lose, but I don't think it works. Last year there was a case of a professional woman who gambled away millions of dollars embezzled from her employer, and no doubt she was very smartly dressed.
As I was leaving a priest came in. My imagination ran riot - it must be very good to go to a casino if you are a writer.
Posted in
Not Spending
March 22nd, 2009 at 04:23 am
I was on morning tea after church this morning. I meant to bake last night, but wound up going out to a free concert. So I was late getting up and decided to make some pikelets (Scotch pancakes) but found I'd run out of milk. So I had to buy 2 packets of cookies and some milk, nz5.99, tho I generally try to avoid shopping on Sunday.
In the afternoon I visited my neighbor to congratulate her on a great performance - she was in the choir at the concert last nite. I wound up helping her bottle pears, then unravelling and reknitting a hat she was making. She was very pleased and gave me a pot of apricot jam.
I still have some veges left, so made pumpkin cakes and cooked some black beans with the remaining celery.
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Money Out,