I live in beautiful New Zealand, where we are fortunate to have a good Social Welfare system. Living on a benefit is not all the envious reckon: I'd much rather be living on my own investments.
I start Christmas shopping in Sept/Oct. Things usually start to "jump out" at me atone that time. Such as: my Dad would like that; my tot would like this, etc.
The recipients tend to like these gifts and my spending is spread out rather than hitting all in one month.
It is much less stressful but I do need to keep track in my notebook of what I bought for who though, because my mind is like a sieve.
I almost bought a jacket for a 13 year old for Christmas. It was so "her" and such a bargain. But I was afraid I would forget about having bought it by December.
March 29th, 2009 at 11:57 am 1238324224
The recipients tend to like these gifts and my spending is spread out rather than hitting all in one month.
It is much less stressful but I do need to keep track in my notebook of what I bought for who though, because my mind is like a sieve.
March 29th, 2009 at 04:28 pm 1238340522