Home > A Stitch in time...

A Stitch in time...

July 2nd, 2007 at 09:52 pm

...saves nine, as granma always used to say. I was so peeved about that library fine, I took a couple minutes to sign up to

Text is and Link is I'd been told some time previously this was available and kept meaning to get round to it. Procrastination has cost me money!!
Those of you bothered by returning books on the due date, check to see if your local library is linked to it.

I have been told of a free community college course I am eligible for, doing computing. i thik I'dlike to get my typig speed up to 60wpm with less errorrs!!! Owing to the lack of flexibility in all my joints and limbs this may be difficult, but there are good jobs out there for speedy typists. I also want to do web design, MYOB and payroll. that should get me a wider range of temping jobs. I found a free trial version of TypingMaster, the same one used by the college, so am practicing 30 minutes every day at home. The advantage of going down to college is someone else pays for the heating!!

2 Responses to “A Stitch in time...”

  1. LdyFaile Says:

    My library is set up to email me reminders when due dates approach and when holds come in. But I can see where that'd be handy if it didn't or if I had multiple library cards in the household to juggle. Cool site though.

  2. honeichild Says:

    Yeah my library does the same with the reminders, saves me from late fees!

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