Home > Day 123 - 8 months to go

Day 123 - 8 months to go

September 27th, 2018 at 09:39 am

One third of the challenge done. I bought a ring at the thrift store for $6. I didn't need it but it is pretty and I'll get years of wear from it.

I borrowed Jesse Mecham's You Need a Budget book from the library and had a look at the tutorial for the program. It seems a bit daunting, I think it would work well for accounting nerds and spreadsheet geeks. My finances are quite simple so the free EveryDollar and the cash envelopes work well for me. The app doesn't work in this country so no point paying for it.

I did like the idea of aging your money, building up cash reserves so you're not spending this month's paycheck this month. This is actually what I have been doing in my bill paying account. I did a quick calculation and realised I have enough in there to pay the bills for 3 months if the money stopped coming in. So I transferred the excess $181 to the EF, which is is there for disasters like the house burning down.

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