I had trouble sleeping last night so got up at 1 am and baked an applesauce cake from this recipe
https://cookingonabootstrap.com/2016/01/29/applesauce-bread-.... I like Jack Monroe as she was once a single mom struggling on a tiny budget and aims her recipes at poor people. Most of them are vegan too.Gardens New World had a one day sale today. I had a good look for bargains but only wound up buying peanut butter at $1.99 (saved 30 cents) and strawberry jam at $2.29 (saved 20 cents).
I increased the weekly amount going into my bill paying a/c by $10 to cover winter power bills. The latest one I received is for $100.35. Pretty good, but the real frosts are still ahead of us.
And I transferred $300 from my checking account to my FFEF. I should be able to save over $200 a month.
June 22nd, 2018 at 12:51 am 1529625089
June 22nd, 2018 at 01:58 am 1529629085
June 24th, 2018 at 07:26 pm 1529864798