Home > Decisions, decisions

Decisions, decisions

October 2nd, 2012 at 07:07 am

I ran out of coffee last night and had to go without this morning. I had almost made up my mind to forget about quitting caffeine and buy some after work, but, when I got to work there was orange sock yarn on sale. Wow, I never knew I wanted a pair of orange socks, but I have the perfect pattern for them and I really need a pair of orange socks... Oh but if I buy the yarn I won't have enough left to buy coffee, and I'm supposed to be saving money and I have a huge stash already...

So I had a cup at work, then went home without buying any yarn or coffee. Still got $8 in my wallet.

2 Responses to “Decisions, decisions”

  1. littlegopher Says:


  2. Blessed Says:

    Good job!

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