Home > Broke


September 22nd, 2009 at 06:58 am

my tooth. Goshdarn grit in an apple. Because I have previously had a root canal on that particular tooth there was no pain, but it was past saving. The dentist neatly extracted it, along with nz$245 from my savings account. This, she says with a gap toothed smile, is what emergency savings are for.

4 Responses to “Broke”

  1. homebody Says:

    I broke a crown on a piece of popcorn! Luckily just the porcelain, so all they did was grind it down a little. Weird though isn't it what little things can do to our teeth.

  2. Petunia Says:

    Ooh. . . I've had the tooth-breaking experience. Not fun.

  3. LuxLiving Says:

    Glad you had the E-Fund to cover it!

  4. ralph Says:

    It was a peach pit that got me. Dang, dentists sure can be costly, even with "insurance".

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