Home > Pumpkin


August 23rd, 2008 at 12:40 am

Unfortunately I have been unwell again and have had to quit my job. At least I have managed to save up enough to put me in a good financial position for the next few months, and hopefully I will get back to work in the New Year. In the meantime I am being veeerrry careful with the cash - no more buying coffees as I'm always tempted to buy a nice little ginger slice or sandwich or other goodie to go with it. The coffee alone costs nz$3. But I did buy a whole crown pumpkin for $1. Funny thing, I would never eat it when I was little, but now I know why nana served it so often. I have plenty of rice in the pantry as well, so I may get a little sick of pumpkin risotto. I have nz$4.20 in my pocket and no plans to buy anything other than milk until Wednesday.

1 Responses to “Pumpkin”

  1. davera Says:

    I'm sorry to hear that you've had a health setback, Tina. I hope you will soon recover and be back to work and enjoying those coffees and treats again before long.

    Mmmm, pumpkin risotto...and pumpkin pie, pumpkin muffins, and jack'o'lanterns. Fall harvest is just around the corner in these parts, with many pumpkins ripening in the fields.

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