looks spectacular. I was very careful to spend only on needs, not wants, as I'm saving for Christmas.
Total Income nz$733.26
Expenses $491.24
Savings 242.02
Groceries 100.76
Donations 37.70
Clothes 3.90
Meeting friends for coffee 25.70
Medical 23.00
Local body taxes 90.67
Phone & ISP 67.74
Insurance 49.45
Power 75.00
Misc 17.32
When I go to the shop I feel like the Greek philosopher who went to the market and commented "who would have thought there could be so many things I have no need of." I have basically lost interest in spending money apart from meeting friends for coffee - and I'm reconsidering that expense. I'd rather save up and have a big decent trip than fritter it all away on little bits and pieces that give no lasting satisfaction.
November's tally
December 2nd, 2007 at 08:21 am
December 2nd, 2007 at 03:27 pm 1196609254
December 2nd, 2007 at 06:31 pm 1196620294