Home > Big Day Out

Big Day Out

May 18th, 2007 at 09:41 am

My friend H, who had a breakdown earlier, is doing well now, and I spent the day in town with her. We both have to be very careful with our money, so we went to the thrift stores, where she was quite excited to find such good clothes so cheap (having always bought from high price stores) I got 2 very nice tops for $2 each.

This month is NZ Music Month and a lot of the churches are having free lunchtime concerts. We went to First Church and listened to a violin sonata played by senior music students. It is really neat being a college town - we can get to hear talented young musicians before they become famous and cost a fortune.

Then we took in a doll exhibition at the museum - for free. They were just so beautifully dressed, and they sell for around $800 each. H said, "you know, you can look at things and you don't have to buy them." I am so pleased she's getting it.

We finished up going to the supermarket and buying some surimi, pineapple and a couple individual quiches which are sold at half price at the end of the day. Then went back to my place, made a salad and sat and listened to Van Morrison. Paris Hilton, eat your heart out - we couldn't have been any happier if we were millionaires.

Having said which, I now realise I left the bag with my new tops in her car, but I'll pick them up later.

Total spent today nz$10.70

5 Responses to “Big Day Out”

  1. shiela Says:

    Are there interesting things that happens or goes on in NZ in October? I'm planning to come down for a visit. Be mainly staying in the South Island, maybe will visit Christchurch and Queenstown.

  2. laceshawl Says:

    Don't know about October yet, but keep an eye on for Christchurch. Queenstown is the big tourist mecca and very expensive - not too many freebies there.

  3. shiela Says:

    Thanks Tina, I've bookmark the site. I can't wait to visit NZ. Smile

  4. Amber Says:

    Glad your friend is doing well, I once had a break down so I understand what she's going through

  5. MoneyDummy Says:

    Socrates was once quoted as having said that he loved going to the market because enjoyed seeing all the things he didn't need in order to be happy. Sounds like your friend had a similar experience! It's very peaceful and satisfying, isn't it?

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