Home > Bargain of the Century

Bargain of the Century

September 7th, 2006 at 09:30 am

We are coming into spring here in southern land. My camellias and magnolia are in bloom. Today was a lovely sunny day, filling people with smiles and energy.

Sis has decreed that I should turn the spare bedroom into a hobby room. OK, so long as it can be done on the cheap. There is a horrible orange and brown carpet which I have never liked. It wasn't in very good condition, so we tore it up and found the boards underneath were in good condition, so decided to polish them up, and put down a nice rug. Our first step was to take the old carpet to the tip. We dumped it, then took a look at the recycling shop they have there which sells still usable goods. And wadda ya think! They had some offcuts of carpet, a nice beige, in perfect condition. And how much did the guy ask for it?


We grabbed it and whizzed back home with it. Looked great and matched the curtains beautifully. So now I have a totally recarpeted room at a price even a dyed in the wool skinflint like me can't complain about. I gotta start checking out the tip more often.

1 Responses to “Bargain of the Century”

  1. LuxLiving Says:

    Wow - great deal - congratulations!!

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