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Day 248

February 20th, 2019 at 08:08 am

I went to knit squad at the community rooms, and they had some veggies from the community garden for anyone to take. I took a cucumber, but it turned out to be quite bitter.

Day 242

February 14th, 2019 at 08:21 am

I have gone back to buying the nzd6.00 bag of produce from the All Saints co-op. When I was getting whatever I wanted from the supermarket I would buy more and eat more - like, I would get a bunch of bananas and eat them all the first day. If I limit what I buy I make it last the whole week.

Day 236

February 8th, 2019 at 08:33 am

bread 1.00
peanut butter 2.29
sultanas 1.99
tomatoes 1.20

Today at Artsenta I was given a bag of oats. After I've finished them I'm going to ask my doctor to check my cholesterol levels not that she's ever said there's cause for alarm, but I like to know the numbers.

Day 229

February 2nd, 2019 at 08:33 am

I am becoming a little bit shaky on my nzd20.00 a week for groceries. I spent $13.00 from my Play jar on fruit for tomorrow's bbq. I wiil try to stop myself borrowing from envelopes and jars in other categories.

I got 2 more free books today: the original Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Stevenson, and A Visitation of the Plague by Defoe. I don't generally read fiction but I make an exception for the classics.

Day 226

January 30th, 2019 at 08:34 am

I got a recipe book from the free box outside the SPCA shop. The Destitute Gourmet by Sophie Gray. She was all the rage when I was bringing up DS, feeding a family on nzd50.00 a week - with the help of a large vege garden and a flock of chickens. I'll see if any of her recipes can be adapted for a single person.

Day 219

January 23rd, 2019 at 08:49 am

I'm back. India was wonderful, beautiful, maddening and challenging as always. Full of contrasts, ancient temples by modern highways, incredible riches next door to appalling squalor. I'm torn btween weeping over so much suffering, and rejoicing at the resilience of the human spirit. The children in the villages were very happy to see us and they loved the hats.

I had nzd400 left over which I put in my EF; halfway to my goal. For groceries I bought
bread 2.38
red peppers 2.81
bananas 3.29
tomatoes 1.76
carrots 1.45
broccoli 1.49
avocado 1.69
bread rolls 1.38

Day 211

December 24th, 2018 at 08:09 am

It's a Christmas miracle! I went to buy fresh veggies for tomorrow and the price hadn't shot way up, 1.99 for a lettuce, 2.99 per kilo for tomatoes and 2.49 for 3 avocadoes.

Day 207

December 20th, 2018 at 08:13 am

I don't often buy substitute meats as they are so expensive, but with Christmas coming up I shelled out nzd6.99 for some vegetarian sausages. With steamed cauli and carrots and fried potatoes, that will be my Christmas meal.

The feasting has already started, I went to a barbecue for lunch. My rule with the goodies is only one of each, so I had a small piece of cake, some tropical trail mix and lots of bread rolls and coleslaw. With cutting back on sugar this year I really noticed the sweetness in the salad dressing. Even the grapes were almost too sweet. So I won't be having dessert on Dec 25. I shall have crackers and hummus instead.

Day 203 - 23 weeks to go

December 16th, 2018 at 08:07 am

This afternoon I went to a Christmas party but there was only popcorn I could eat. Came home and ate nonstop tomato sandwiches.

Day 202

December 15th, 2018 at 08:13 am

Hot and muggy today and I don't feel like cooking, so have been eating lettuce and marmite sandwiches.

Day 196 - 24 weeks to go

December 9th, 2018 at 08:11 am

I have nzd5.00 burning a hole in my cash envelope. I want to buy myself a treat - chocolate, ice cream, cookies. I am resisting and hanging on in case I need to buy some more bread or potatoes or tomatoes, something healthy.

Day 194

December 7th, 2018 at 08:09 am

Forgot to blog yesterday but nothing much happened. Today I bought:
can tomatoes .79
2 cans peaches 1.98
lettuce 1.99
potatoes 1.14
cucumber 1.49
avocado 1.79
broccoli .99
peppers 5.99
bread 1.00
bananas 2.99
tomatoes 1.99

Day 191

December 4th, 2018 at 08:16 am

Pouring with rain today so I stayed home and ate far too much avocado on toast. In the afternoon it eased off a bit so I dodged over to New World and stocked up on canned and dried legumes because they are a cheap source of protein and I like 'em. nzd10.74.

Day 188

December 1st, 2018 at 08:10 am

I am disappointed with the lettuce. It is withering really fast. I am eating salad twice a day.

Day 185

November 28th, 2018 at 08:21 am

Payday. nzd289.15 in.

tomatoes 2.49
zucchini 2.25
avocado 1.99
lettuce 1.99
cauliflower 1.99
flour 1.59
tangeloes 1.26
soy milk 2.29
dates 1.99

Day 184 - 6 months down

November 27th, 2018 at 08:40 am

I bought more B12 from the pharmacy, nzd22.00.

DS has high cholesterol and is finally taking an interest in healthy eating. He has cut out red meat, but still wants to eat fish and chicken, is complaining about the amount of stem on broccoli and is asking me the best way to cook oatmeal. Small steps but promising. Considering the length of time it took me to finally become fully vegan I can't expect him to convert overnight. I am doing my best not to overwhelm him with vegan propaganda. Softly, softly, catchee monkee.

Day 183

November 26th, 2018 at 09:35 am

2 cans beets nz2.00
pasta .75

Our minister is a keen Labour Party supporter so tonight I was invited to a quiz nite fundraiser. I'm not all that interested in politics but it was a fun evening. Our team came third and our minister won 2 bottles of wine in the raffle so he was happy.

My jars are apparently working as intended; I paid for evening out of my Play jar and had a bowl of kumara chips (sweet potato fries). As it was virtually a donation I suppose I could have taken it from my Give jar but it didn't seem right.

Day 181

November 24th, 2018 at 08:08 am

My cellphone has no money on it so I made a call from a payphone, 1.50. I had 50 cents left over so thought I'd see what I could find in the supermarket. There was nothing below .69, even the instant noodles are done up in packs of 10. Oats were on sale at 1.69 but I have plenty at home so only bought one bag. I also bought a can of spaghetti in tomato sauce, .69.

The water I'm drinking is not ideal when it comes straight from the tap, but if I leave it to sit for a while the taste is alright.

Day 180

November 23rd, 2018 at 08:20 am

bread roll .69
bread 1.00
strawberries 2.99
tangelos 1.17
mushrooms 1.94
baked beans .70
nutritional yeast 4.99

Not really hungry today. I had a bread roll in town which tasted pretty bland. The rest of the day I ate fruit. I find I am eating my food more slowly and mindfully.It took me 30 minutes to eat an apple savoring every bite. The strawberries were a disappoinment. They had been speed ripened rather than naturally by the sun and were quite tart. The banana was delicious and the dates pure ambrosia.

Maybe I could start a new career as a food writer?

Day 179

November 22nd, 2018 at 08:21 am

Breakfast this morning was oatmeal and sultanas soaked in soy milk. At lunch I wasn't very hungry so just had an orange and a few gluten free crackers. For dinner I cooked my favorite: pasta, red peppers, canned tomatoes and half the last can of chickpeas. I prepared the usual amount but it was too much. I couldn't finish it. After meditation I had a handful of cashews and dried cranberries. My tastebuds are incredibly sensitive now, I can really taste just a little bit of sugar or salt.

I walked into town and had photos taken for my visa application, 19.99. Why do official photos always look like criminal mugshots? A friend saw it and said "That doesn't look like you!" Either she or the camera is lying. I also went to Veggie Boys and bought:
broccoli 1.99
potatoes 1.04
avocado .99
I decided not to continue with the All Saints produce bag as I like choosing my own produce. Also All Saints tend to be a bit limited in their variety.

Day 178

November 21st, 2018 at 08:16 am

My prayers have been answered. There has been a complete turnaround. This afternoon DS went out and bought green beans and carrots then asked me where the steamer was. I don't know what the doctor said to him but he is taking it seriously.

I finished my tenth day of fasting. I wasn't hungry and could have continued but the holiday season is coming up. I had an apple. It tasted sooooo sweet and filled me up for the rest of the evening. My stomach has shrunk. The trick now is not to go back to the amount I was eating before. 76 kilos.

Day 177

November 20th, 2018 at 08:24 am

I am concerned about DS' health. He has the same back issues as me and is currently unable to work. He has been advised to lose weight but his diet habits are not good. He has stopped eating fast food but now he just cooks some meat or fish and has it in a white bun. He hates all veggies except potatoes and always has. Thank goodness the Reagan administration declred tomato sauce to be a vegetable.

Day 175 - 27 weeks to go

November 18th, 2018 at 08:28 am

Day 7 of fasting. 77 kilos. Waist 35" hips 44" BMI 25.4. I am still borderline overweight and have a lot of belly fat. After meditation this morning they were dicussing the 5-2 diet and fasting. I didn't let on I am currently fasting but chipped in with my own earlier experiences. I think I will go back to regular fasting on Monday and Friday. The traditional Christian fast days are Monday and Wednesday but Wed is not convenient for me. Let's not get legalistic here.

At church morning tea I felt a bit guilty as the preparer told me she'd baked vegan cookies especially for me, but the carnies ate them all. I did really crave a cuppa tea but stuck to water.

The weather turned really bad while we were talking. We had a thunderplump and hailstones. I haven't seen that for several years. The weather here has turned crazy over the last few years. One day will be scorching hot, the next it will be blowing a gale and pouring rain. Looks like climate change is already here.

Day 174

November 17th, 2018 at 08:41 am

Day 6 of fasting. 78 kilos. Feeling ok today. My body has switched to fat burning mode which is logical. The body stores up fat for times of famine so when you stop eating it uses those supplies. I walked into town and back with no more rests than normal and bought some groceries for when I break my fast Wednesday evening.
oranges .61
red peppers 3.00
bananas 2.49
popping corn 1.79
pasta .75
can tomatoes .70

I recieved an electricity bill for nzd57.93. It will come out automatically on the 29th.

Day 163

November 6th, 2018 at 08:12 am

I have to stop keeping cookies in the house. I can't eat just one or two, I devour the entire packet. And my weight is up to 84 kilos. No more sugary treats. With the holidays coming up this is not going to be easy.

Day 156

October 30th, 2018 at 08:17 am

Out: hummus $2.49, crackers 99 cents

There was an earthquake today, though I didn't feel it. Fortunately there are no reports of damage. So I checked my emergency supplies. I have water, canned goods and a torch, but need a first aid kit and a battery operated radio. I also need to put my essential meds and important documents where I can grab them easily.

Day 155

October 29th, 2018 at 08:15 am

The Scavengers Paradise craft store is closing but I didn't go. I'm planning to use what I have before buying more.

I bought peanut butter $1.99 and flour $1.59, booth on special so I saved 50 cents. My aim is to buy staples only when they are on special. I am running short of baking powder so I bought self rising flour as it was the same price as the plain. Normally it costs more.

Day 154 - 30 weeks to go

October 28th, 2018 at 08:23 am

Our church service was held at the nearby rest home this morning. After we went to the nearby cafe. There were no vegan options so I just had coffee and a couple pieces of fruit, $5.20. I then went to the supermarket and bought 2 packets of cookies for $4.50 which I devoured in 40 minutes. I feel sick from all the sugar and silly for wasting my money.

Left in my cash envelopes:
food $18
medical/dental $$320
change dish $3.50
mta vouchers $30
bus pass $16.19

in my misc jars:
neccessities $50
Financial Freedom $12
education $12
play $2
gifts $1

Day 153 - 7 months to go

October 27th, 2018 at 08:26 am

In: found 50 cents
Out: Marmite $5.50

Today for breakfast I had oatmeal with sultanas and cinnamon; lunch coconut pancakes with lemon juice and sugar; dinner pasta, potatoes, broccoli and chickpeas.

Someone gave me 4 bags of weaving singles. I knew it would take me ages to get round to using them, so I donated them to the annual craft sale.

I am not buying books and today I found in the Lilliput Library a book called Money Success and You by John Kehoe. It turned out to be one of those motivational books that tell you about other rich people. I don't need to be a multimillionaire and I don't want to be famous; I'm just looking for a basic how to on investing.

Day 149

October 23rd, 2018 at 08:09 am

I walked to Pak n Save and bought
sultanas $1.79
pasta 75 cents
lentils $2.15

I was too tired to walk back and it was starting to rain, so I caught the bus back $1.92.

For lunch I bought some bread rolls at New World from my Play jar $2.30. Have to wait until tomorrow for a whole $2 to spend on enjoying myself.

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