Home > Maintenance


January 5th, 2007 at 06:03 am

Sigh. If only that were the end of expenses once the mortgage is paid off. But Nooo. there's money that has to be spent to keep the place in good order. Today I hired a dumpster - we call it a skip - and a work party of friends came round, and we filled it to the brim with garden waste. It looks so much better now. Unfortunately, while clearing the section we came across a wasp's nest, so there was the added expense of calling someone to dispose of it.

I'm afraid my garden has been getting the better of me while my health has been poor. I can't keep relying on friends and neighbours to take care of it for me, so I will eventually have to look at selling this place and moving into an apartment. But before that I will have to spend more money to get it into reasonable selling condition. I wonder if I can get on one of those do-it-up TV shows?

1 Responses to “Maintenance”

  1. PRICEPLUS Says:

    Tina, you know what I find amazing. I am communicating with a person on the other end of the planet in pretty much real time!Having said that let ne say that I am sorry the place is becoming a burden. An apartment is certainly a bit easier to keep up with. Good luck with whatever you decide to do!WinkSmile

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